

After 17 hours of intense negotiations, European leaders agreed early Monday to a deal to rescue Greece from the financial ruin. The announcement in Brussels follows marathon talks through the night by European finance ministers and eurozone leaders aimed at preventing Athens from bankruptcy and exiting the euro currency zone.

European Council President Donald Tusk said the deal was "unanimously reached" by the 19 countries that use the euro currency and that Greece would now be able to "get back on track." European Commission President Jean-Claude Juncker said "the agreement was hard, it took its time, but it has concluded."

However, the deal is still tentative because the Greek parliament needs to approve it by Wednesday. And other eurozone parliaments also need to vote on the deal, worth about 50 billion euros ($56 billion).

While details were still appearing, in return for the deal Greek Prime Minister Alexis Tsipras must find measures and Athens must also seek additional help from the International Monetary Fund. “We found ourselves before difficult decisions, tough dilemmas. We took the responsibility of the decision in order to stay in the European Union,” Tsipras said.

German Chancellor Angela Merkel said she was open to giving Greece some debt relief but would not consider completely writing off Greece's debt burden. Markets across Europe moved higher on the news as investors expressed relief that Greece will avoid an exit from the eurozone but they were held in check that eurozone parliaments are still to give their consent to the deal. Greek banks have been closed for two weeks and cash withdrawals at ATMs restricted to about $66 during the country's financial crisis. It was not clear Monday when they would re-open. "The road will be long, and judging by the negotiations tonight, difficult," Merkel said.


1.What decision did the European leaders make?

A They agreed to run the marathon in Brussels.

B They agreed to let Greece to be bankruptcy.

C They agreed to help Greece solve money trouble.

D They agreed to allow Greece to leave the euro zone.

解析:选C。C。细节理解题。根据文章第一段第一句的...European leaders agreed early Monday to a deal to rescue Greece from the financial ruin可知,欧洲领导人同意帮助希腊解决经济问题。

2.How did Jean-Claude Juncker think of the agreement?

A It is tiring and satisfying.

B It is rewarding and interesting.

C It is exciting and confusing.

D It is shocking and disappointing.

解析:选A。A。推理判断题。根据文章第二段最后一句的...the agreement was hard, it took its time, but it has concluded可以得知,该协议让人感觉疲劳,但是最终达成了,因此还是令人满意的。

3.The underlined word “tentative” in the third paragraph may mean _____.

A beneficial

B comfortable

C harmful

D uncertain

解析:选D。D。词意推测题。根据第三段第一句后半部分的...because the Greek parliament needs to approve it by Wednesday可知该协定还需要得到议会的批准,因此存在“不确定性”,因此该词的意思为uncertain。

4.Where will Greece get help in addition?

A The International Monetary Fund.

B The World Health Organization.

C The Asian Pacific Economic Organization.

D The European Automobile Council

解析:选A。A。细节理解题。根据第四段第一句的...Athens must also seek additional help from the International Monetary Fund可以得知希腊也会从国际货币基金组织那里得到帮助。

5.What problem did people in Greece face when using ATM?

A They couldn't get any money there.

B They had a restriction in amount.

C They found the ATM all closed.

D They had to wait for a long time.

解析:选B。B。推理判断题。根据文章最后一段第三句的...cash withdrawals at ATMs restricted to about $66 during the country's financial crisis可知希腊人在经济危机期间使用自动取款机的时候是有取款数目限制的。