气候、 环境与健康
气候、 环境与健康

    WASHINGTON— The effect of climate change is so great that it could weaken the last 50 years of gains in global health. 

    Nicolas Watts led the Commission report, published in the British journal the Lancet. Watts said that weather extremes made worse by climate change are possibly terrible and unacceptable.

    “In terms of drought, we often see corresponding (相应的)decreases in agricultural productivity, which then in turn has a great effect on malnutrition(营养不良), particularly for children,” he said. And with floods, he added, “We often see a rise in the rates of spreading diseases, which happen as a result of a breakdown in sanitation(公共卫生).” 

    The World Health Organization warns that unless dramatic action is taken to reduce global warming emissions by 2030, about 250,000 people will die each year from the effects of climate change. 

    But the Lancet Commission report finds growing evidence that actions to slow climate change are good for global health. Outdoor air pollution is linked to some three million deaths worldwide, 1.2 million in China alone. Watts says a shift from coal-fired power plants to renewable energy can greatly reduce that danger.

    And a turn to a more active lifestyle that includes cycling and walking decreases emissions and lowers the rates of many diseases.

   “It is about re-imagining and re-understanding climate change as a public health issue," he said. "Most of what you want to do to respond to climate change is good for public health, and it is actually a much brighter future.”

    Watts hopes the Commission’s report helps unite health care professionals behind a global agreement that can better respond to the health risks of climate change.

   “What is good for the planet,” he pointed out, “is good for patient care.”


1.What can we know from the first paragraph?

A Climate has changed the effect of global health.

B The change of climate has been weakened for the last 50 years.

C Climate change has affected global health for 50 years.

D We have made improvement in global health in the last 50 years.


2.According to Nicolas Watts,__________are possibly terrible and unacceptable.

A droughts

B weather extremes

C climate changes

D floods

解析:选B。B。细节理解题。由第二段weather extremes ...are possibly terrible and unacceptable可知。

3.Under what condition, about 250,000 people will die from the effects of climate change each year by 2030?

A With the present situation going on.

B If we take dramatic action.

C If there is a breakdown in sanitation.

D With the warming emissions reduced.


4.The underlined word “shift” in paragraph 5 probably means____________.

A change

B charge

C shortage

D range

解析:选A。A。词义猜测题。 Renewable energy指的是可再生能源,煤是不可再生能源,所以可推知shift 应为‘转变’。

5.Which of the following statements is correct ?

A Cycling and walking will lower the rates of many diseases.

B Climate change is good for public health.

C What all the people want is a much brighter future.

D What is good for the planet is good for global health.

解析:选D。D。推理判断题。文章最后一句话说,只要对地球来说是好的东西对病人的护理就有好处(D选项)。C选项, 人们盼望有个更加光明的未来本身是正确的,但不是本文讨论的话题。