
           Online banking involves remembering passwords and countless security questions, but a bank in the Netherlands is hoping to simplify the process by rolling out a voice-activated system.

           Dutch bank ING Netherlands has released the voice-activated payments through its mobile banking app, providing a quick and easy alternative to entering your PIN. Customers of the bank can now log-on, check their balance and make payments simply by speaking. “Thanks in part to the inclusion of biometric(生物识别的) applications, we are able to make banking faster, smoother and easier for our customers and improve access,” said Jeroen Losekoot, Internet & mobile marketing manager at ING. “This allows them to have greater control over their finances.”

          The technology for the voice-activated payments system is being supplied by biometrics company Nuance, who specializes in speech recognition services. Nuance has been using voice biometrics via their virtual assistant Nina to simplify access to a large number of services over the years, from reserving theatre tickets to booking flights. The company had already been working on the ING Netherlands mobile banking app, helping customers with tasks within the app.

        While voice passwords for mobile banking is relatively new, many banks have been quietly using “voiceprints” — like a fingerprint(指纹) but for human voices — to reduce fraud. Many of the current security procedures in place by banks are good, but they’re not totally safe— anyone could theoretically access your account if they had your bank card and password. But copying someone’s voice is much more difficult, and it’s for that reason many banks are now turning in that direction to provide added security.

         In an investigation last year, it was revealed that businesses and even governments are increasingly turning to voiceprints. This is apparently being used by some when people pay pensions, collect taxes, track criminals, replace passwords and more. But the technology is not being well-communicated to customers, with the roll-out seemingly taking place behind closed doors. However, Nuance is confident in it, “The technology is here today, well-proven and commonly available.”


1.With the newly released mobile banking app, customers can make payments by ______.

A speaking

B entering PIN

C using passwords

D answering security questions

解析:选A。A 细节理解题。根据文章第2段第2句Customers of the bank can now log-on, check their balance and make payments simply by speaking可知,这是一款“声波纹”应用,可以通过说话进行支付。

2.What advantage does “voiceprints” have compared with current security procedures?

A It helps customers reserve theater tickets or book flights.

B It makes the customers communicate with each other better.

C It enables the customers to control their finances more safely

D It helps the customers fight against cheating on line.

解析:选C。C 细节理解题。根据第四段...they’re not totally safe...copying someone’s voice is much more difficult...provide added security 可知,“声波纹”应用与其他账户安全程序相比更具有安全性,因此顾客能更大程度地保护自己的账户安全,故选 C。

3.What can we infer from the passage?

A There is no security procedure that is totally safe currently.

B With “voiceprints” customers will never be cheated online.

C Nuance believes that “voiceprints” will be popular very soon.

D Not many people are familiar with the technology of voiceprints.

解析:选D。D 推理判断题。根据文章第5段But the technology is not being well-communicated to customers, with the roll-out seemingly taking place behind closed doors可知,这项技术并没有很好地传达给客户,它的推出似乎是在闭门进行。由此判断,很多顾客对于这款应用还不是太熟悉。故选 D。

4.What is the author’s attitude towards “voiceprints”?

A Negative.

B Enthusiastic.

C Doubtful.

D Indifferent.

解析:选B。B 推理判断题。根据文章中的faster, smoother, easier, greater control, well-proven, available等词可以判断,作者引述用户或技术人员的评价对这款手机给予了赞誉,所以作者是持乐观态度的。