
Jealousy is such a powerful emotion that at least one study has characterized it as the third leading cause of non-accidental homicide in all cultures. In a recently published study, researchers experimented with dogs to see whether they, like humans, have the nature of jealousy.

In an experiment, the authors took 36 dogs -- along with their owners -- and observed the dogs’ behavior as their masters interacted with three non-living objects. One object was a children’s book, which they read aloud; another object was a plastic pumpkin lantern; and the third was a mechanical stuffed dog that gave out a bark when the owner pressed a button.

Former studies concluded that babies were probably capable of jealousy. In the experiment,  their mothers showed attention to a life-like doll instead of their child, and other objects. The babies were reportedly more likely to respond with “negative” behavior if their mother turned to pay her attention to the doll.

In the dog experiment, authors instructed the dog owners to push the bark button on the stuffed dog’s head, and then speak to it sweetly, while ignoring their own dog. After that, they showed attention to the pumpkin lantern, and read the children’s book, while also ignoring their dog.

It is interesting to see the dogs were far more likely to act aggressively when their owners spoke to the stuffed dog than when they paid attention to the other objects. One-fourth of the dogs snapped at the stuffed dog, while only one dog snapped at the lantern or the book. The dogs were also more likely to push or touch their owners as they interacted with the mechanical dog, and tried to get in between the owner and the stuffed dog more frequently than the other objects. 

“One possibility is that jealousy developed in species of many young relying on the parents, the young compete for parental resources such as food, attention, care, and affection,” the authors wrote.


1.What can be the best title of the passage?

A Development of Jealousy in Species

B Jealousy Leads to Terrible Results

C Analysis of Jealousy in Species

D Research Proves Dogs’ Jealousy


2.What behavior shows the babies have the emotion of jealousy?

A Smiling at the doll.

B Keeping quiet.

C Struggling and crying.

D Appearing scared.

解析:选C。C。细节理解题。根据文章第三段respond with “negative” behavior可知,妈妈们将注意力转移之后,宝宝们感到嫉妒,表现很消极,struggling and crying 是一种消极行为,吸引了妈妈的注意力,还发泄了自己的不满。

3.How did the dogs react when the owner interacted with the mechanical dog?

A They pushed or pulled the owner.

B They snapped the mechanical dog.

C They got in between the owner and the mechanical dog.

D They acted aggressively to their owner.

解析:选A。A。细节理解题。根据文章第五段The dogs were also more likely to push or touch their owners as they interacted with the mechanical dog可知,如果主人与玩具互动,狗狗们会不停地抓、推主人,从而引起主人的注意。

4.What mostly causes jealousy in species?

A The desire to have more toys and dolls.

B The desire to have more care of the parents.

C The fact that the animals are all selfish.

D The fact that all want to win the competition.

解析:选B。B。细节理解题。根据文章最后一段the young compete for parental resources such as food, attention, care, and affection可知,幼崽争相从父母那里得到更多的食物、关注、照顾和宠爱,这种竞争导致了相互间的嫉妒。

5.Why does the author include the experiment with babies in the passage?

A The author wants to show us that the babies are also jealous.

B The author wants to show the experiment was scientific.

C The author attempts to make a conclusion through comparison.

D The author intends to show us that the babies are very clever.

解析:选C。C。推理判断题。根据文章第一段researchers experimented with dogs to see whether they, like humans, have the nature of jealousy可知,研究者想通过对比实验,观察狗狗的嫉妒天性。因此需要介绍人类婴儿的嫉妒情绪实验,这样才能得出让人信服的结果。本段是对首段的呼应。故选C。