

Hundreds of Chinese diplomats(外交官) are in the United States this week for meetings with U.S. officials. The two sides were expected to discuss problems such as computer security and tensions in the South China Sea.

The meetings are known as the U.S./China Strategic and Economic Dialogue. This is the seventh dialogue between the world's top two economies. A China expert described relations between the two as complex. But she said the countries can deal with their differences so long as they continue talking.

On Monday, State Department official John Kirby described this week as important for relations between the United States and China. He said the two sides have a lot to talk about.

Mr. Kirby admits that the U.S. and China disagree about a lot of things. But he says each country recognizes there are many areas where cooperation is good for both sides. He describes the dialogue as one of the most important tools for discussing disputes and building support for common interests.

Ms. Glaser says computer security may be more important than any other problem at the discussions. Earlier this month, the U.S. Office of Personnel Management said it had discovered a four-month long attack on its computers in April. It said the attackers had stolen information about as many as four million current and retired federal employees. Investigators say it appeared the attack was launched from somewhere in China.

State Department spokesman John Kirby said the U.S. has not accused anyone of the crime. He said the attack is still being investigated.

Ms. Glaser says both countries have wise leaders, and many Americans and Chinese have taken part in cultural exchange programs. She says both countries need each other if they are to be economically secured(安全). She says eight U.S. presidents have supported a policy of engagement with China. She says that policy is the right one -- for both the United States and China.


1.China and America will probably talk about problem about_________this year.

A the South China Sea

B economic development

C computer security

D Both A and C

解析:选D。D。细节理解题。由第一段可知, 今年两国可能在计算机安全和中国南海紧张局势上展开讨论,所以选D。

2.How many times have the two countries held such meetings before?

A two

B six

C seven

D eight

解析:选B。B。细节理解题。由第二段可知, This is the seventh dialogue ,这次是第七次,所以之前有过六次。

3.Which of the followings is true between the two countries?

A The relations between the two countries are not complex.

B The common interests are more important than disputes.

C The relations between them are only important in this week.

D The two countries always disagree about most of the things in the world.

解析:选B。B。推理判断题。此题可用排除法,A答案错在not一词,因为两国关系是复杂的。C答案错在only, 两国关系一直都很重要,不是只在本周才重要。D答案错在always disagree上,两国之间虽然有分歧,但更多的是有共同的利益。

4.The underlined word ‘accused’ in paragraph 6 probably means__________.

A 指责

B 谴责

C 指控

D 批评


5.Why is the U.S./China Strategic and Economic Dialogue a right policy?

A Because it can secure their economic development.

B Because both countries will take part in cultural exchange programs.

C Because the leaders from both countries are wise.

D Because eight U.S. Presidents have supported the policy.

解析:选A。A。推理判断题。由最后一段Ms. Glaser所说的话both countries need each other if they are to be economically secured可知,经济安全对两国来说是很重要的。