
A security expert has warned Apple’s iOS software contains potentially threatening tools that could be used by governments to spy on iPhone and iPad users.

Speaking at the “Hackers on planet Earth” conference in New York, Jonathan Zdziarski said that most users are unaware of the lack of protection for iPhone data. He added files found hidden within the firm’s software contain a file-relay service that can be used to access the user’s address book, photos, voicemail and any accounts used on the device. However, Apple has denied the claims the backdoor was created deliberately for government or surveillance purposes.   

His investigation followed earlier reports of the National Security Agency (NSA) spying on Apple products, which suggested a “backdoor” in iOS could provide hackers with valuable information. A backdoor is a hidden remote access port that can allow outside sources to access a device without being found. Mr Zdziarski added there is a file named “com.apple.pcapd” on the device that start up without notifying the iOS device’s owner. He explained this can record network traffic and HTTP request/response data from the device and could be targeted via Wi-Fi.

Apple responded by saying the services identified by Mr Zdziarski are not deliberately provided for government agencies to make use. The company added they are for “diagnostic” purposes, and to allow IT workers to manage their company’s devices. 

“The problem with this is that these services dish out data regardless of whether or not ‘Send Diagnostic Data to Apple’ is turned on or off, and whether or not the device is managed by an enterprise policy of any kind,” Mr Zdziarski said on his blog.

Documents published in Germany’s Der Spiegel revealed the NSA actively worked on software that enabled it to remotely access iPhones and their text messages, photographs, contacts, location, voice mail and even their video.



1.Why does Jonathan Zdziarski think the tools in Apple’s iOS software threatening?

A Because the users do not protect their Phone data.

B Because the tools can be used to get the users’ data on the phones.

C Because the governments want to make use of the users’ data.

D Because some files are found hidden in the firm’s software.

解析:选B。B。细节理解题。根据文章第二段that can be used to access the user’s address book, photos, voicemail and any accounts used on the device可知,这个隐秘工具的可怕之处在于其可以被用来收集用户手机上的数据。

2.What is a backdoor according to the passage?

A A backdoor is a hidden remote device.

B A backdoor is an outside source from iPhone.

C It is a kind of relay service that can be reached by the governments.

D It is a software hidden in iOS and passes information to hackers.

解析:选D。D。细节理解题。根据文章第三段A backdoor is a hidden remote access port that can allow outside sources to access a device without being found可知,通讯后门是指苹果操作系统中的一个软件,能够起到允许外部程序渗透手机并获取数据的作用。故选D。

3.What was Apple’s response on the backdoor?

A It was designed for the purpose of technical examination.

B It was made for the provision of data to the governments.

C It was created for the attack of hackers.

D It was not created for the use of the governments.

解析:选A。A。细节理解题。根据文章第四段they are for “diagnostic” purposes, and to allow IT workers to manage their company’s devices可知,苹果公司的回应是,预留“后门”的目的是便于信息技术工作人员诊断手机故障,对手机进行检测、检查。故选A项。

4.What do the underlined words most probably mean in Paragraph Five?

A Find out.

B Make out.

C Give out.

D Pick out.

解析:选C。C。猜测词义题。根据前文的problem,结合语境涉及的backdoor可以判断,此处的dish out意为“发送、分发”。

5.What can you infer from the last paragraph?

A Der Spiegel criticizes the dangerous tool in iPhone.

B NSA has long been spying on phone users.

C Apple helps NSA access users’ data.

D NSA has its software to get iPhone users’ information.

解析:选C。C。推理判断题。根据文章最后一段…actively worked on software that enabled it to remotely access iPhones and their text messages…可知,国家安全局利用软件远程进入苹果手机系统并获取其中的数据,即苹果手机的“后门”允许国安局的这款软件侵入并获取信息,很显然,苹果公司是在协同国安局对用户进行监听。