

It took a lot of hot air, but this is the moment that more than 400 hot air balloons sailed into the record book. A total of 433 hot air balloons lifted off from air base to break the previous world record for simultaneous flights.

The balloons, including some impressive designs such as a French castle and round, fat cartoon character Obelix, were seen drifting above the skies after taking off from Chambley-Bussieres, northeastern France. The previous record was set at the same spot in 2013 when 391 balloons went up.

“A new page in ballooning history has been written,” said Philippe Buron-Pilatre, organizer of the twice-yearly Lorraine Mondial Air Ballons event. “The biggest dangers for the balloons, which were arranged in parallel lines six kilometers (four miles) long for the takeoff, was that two of them might clash causing tears in their fabric, something that has happened twice since 1989.” he added.

The popular festival has been taking place in France since 1989 and attracts balloonists from around the world. For the World Record enthusiasts from over 40 nations took part. Previous record attempts at the festival have been hampered by bad weather. In 2011, hundreds of balloonists had to postpone their attempt while poor conditions cleared.

Hot air balloon festivals are held annually around the world every year, but the Lorraine Mondial Air Ballon is said to be the biggest in Europe. It takes place over 10 days and features two balloon take-offs everyday, kites, gliders, and planes.

The first hot-air balloon was created by French brothers Joseph-Michel and Jacques-Etienne Montgolfier in the French town of Annonay and first flew for just 10 minutes in June 1783. The first manned flight took place over Paris in October that same year.


1.In what way did the balloon festival leave deep impressions on the author?

A 433 hot air balloons took off at the same time.

B The balloons were creatively designed.

C The balloon festival broke the world record.

D Hundreds of balloonists took part in the festival.

解析:选B。B 细节理解题。根据文章第二段...including some impressive designs such as a French castle and round, fat cartoon character Obelix...可知,热气球造型各异(有的是古城堡,有的是流行卡通人物形象),设计极富创造性,给作者留下了深刻的印象。

2.What dangers will arise during the balloon festival according to Philippe Buron-Pilatre?

A The balloons might clash into one another.

B The balloons might not drift in parallel lines.

C There might be terrible weather conditions.

D Tears might break out destroying the balloons.

解析:选A。A 细节理解题。根据文章第三段The biggest dangers for the balloons, ...was that two of them might clash causing tears in their fabric可知,两个气球相撞,造成气球织物出现裂缝,这是最为危险和致命的。

3.What does the underlined word in Paragraph Four mean?

A Prevent.

B Assist.

C Allow.

D Increase.

解析:选A。A 猜测词义题。根据第四段最后的...had to postpone their attempt while poor conditions cleared可知,热气球比赛者不得不等到天气转晴之后才继续冲击世界纪录,由此可知,hamper在文中意为“阻碍”。

4.What can we infer from the passage?

A The French brothers started a new page of ballooning history.

B All enthusiasts attempted to break the world record at the festival.

C Ballooning relies very much on good weather conditions.

D Balloon festivals have been popular since the first manned flight.

解析:选C。C 推理判断题。根据文章第四段可知,恶劣的天气影响了比赛选手们冲击世界纪录,他们只好等天气转晴之后继续比赛。由此判断,热气球操作对天气条件(晴朗、无风或小风)的要求是很高的。