

A new report says income inequality (不平均)is hurting the potential for growth around the world. It says the best way to deal with the inequality is by helping poor people and the middle class.

The report is based on an International Monetary Fund study. It examined the problem of income inequality: the differences in wealth between the rich and everyone else.

Opinions about income inequality are not hard to find. Many people are concerned about the problem. Kalpana Kochhar is Deputy Director of Strategy Department at the IMF. She said, "The gap between the rich and the poor is at the highest level in decades in advanced countries, and inequality is also rising in major emerging(新兴的) markets."

The new report is called "Causes and Results of Income Inequality: A Global Perspective(远景)." Ms. Kochhar said, inequality trends have been mixed in emerging markets and developing countries. Some countries are experiencing falling inequality rates, with poor people and the middle class making gains. However, general inequities in education, health care, and finance remain in areas such as Latin America, Middle East and Africa.

The report suggested that policymakers pay their attention to the poor and middle class. That is because they are the major force for economic growth -- or an increase in a country's gross domestic product, or GDP. The GDP is the value of all the finished goods and services produced within the country.

The IMF found that a one percent increase in the earnings of the richest 20 percent of people led to a nearly one percent decrease in GDP growth over a five-year period. An increase in the income share of the poorest 20 percent led to more than a one-third percent increase in GDP.

Kalpana Kochhar said this means that directing policy to the poor and middle class is good for growth. She said this means that ending poverty could also improve growth prospects for all. She said that is "a fairly powerful message" for policymakers and researchers around the world.


1.The International Monetary Fund found that income inequality_________the world economy.

A is helping

B is examining

C is hurting

D is studying

解析:选C。C。细节理解题。由第一段可知, 故选C。

2.Which of the following statements is correct?

A It is not easy to find opinions about income inequality.

B Many people are concerned about how to get rich.

C The rich and the poor are competing for emerging markets.

D Income inequality now is more serious than before.

解析:选D。D。推理判断题。由第三段可知, 现在在发达国家,贫富差距很大,而在一些新兴市场贫富差距也在加大,所以,现在贫富不均比以前更严峻了(D选项)。

3.What’s the probable meaning of the underlined word “mixed” in paragraph 4?

A 混合的

B 复杂的

C 混淆的

D 相容的


4.Policymakers are advised to pay more attention to__________.

A economic growth

B the rich


D the poor and middle class

解析:选D。D。细节理解题。由第五段The report suggested that policymakers pay their attention to the poor and middle class...可知,此处选D。

5.What powerful message has the report sent for the policymakers and researchers?

A Ending poverty could improve economic growth.

B Directing policy to the poor and middle class is fair.

C Increasing the earnings of the richest is good for GDP.

D Sharing the income with the poorest will increase GDP.
