

Australian surf champion Mick Fanning, 34, fought off a shark during the final heat of a world tour event at Jeffreys Bay in South Africa’s Eastern Cape Province on Sunday in dramatic vision broadcast live around the world.

He survived uninjured, with his rival and close friend Julian Wilson, also from Australia, furiously swimming towards him to help, despite the danger posed by the shark, believed to be a great white.

“This man came to my aid like a warrior!!,” Fanning said of Wilson in an Instagram post after social media went into meltdown over the narrow escape, with a YouTube click of the attack getting more than 11 million views. “It was by far the scariest thing I have ever been through and am still frightened,” he added.

Reports in Australia said Queensland State was considering a bravery award for Wilson, whose courageous actions were praised and appreciated online.

It is commonly believed that Fanning may quit the competition after he had experienced the lucky escape. But he said on Instagram that: “Jbay is an incredible place and I will go back one day”, referring to Jeffreys Bay. 

His manager, Ronnie Blakey, told Australia’s Triple M radio he believed Fanning would still compete in the next leg of the World Surf League Tour in Tahiti next month. “He is in a fantastic position to have a run at his fourth world title... I think Mick will regroup,” he said.

The World Surf League, which organized the J-Bay Open, said the surfing world was still in shock and while the rescue teams did a great job, the situation could have been much worse. “Certainly it will give us an opportunity to sit down and re-evaluate more the safety side of what we do,” commissioner Kieren Perrow told Australian Associated Press.

Perrow said authorities would look to employ new and improving technologies to prevent sharks, adding that the South African stop was not the only location with a reputation for sharks.


1.Why do most think that Mick Fanning would not join the surfing competitions that were to come next month?

A The social media went into meltdown after he met the shark.

B He said on YouTube that he had been frightened by the shark.

C He was not in a good position to run at another world title.

D He would go to Jeffreys Bay rather than compete in Tahiti.

解析:选B。B 细节理解题。根据文章第三段...“It was by far the scariest thing I have ever been through and am still frightened,” he added可知,Mick Fanning在社交网站上说他被当时的情景吓坏了。很多人据此猜测,他将缺席下个月在塔希提的冲浪比赛。

2.How many world championships has Wick Fanning won?

A Four.

B One.

C Three.

D Two.

解析:选C。C 细节理解题。根据文章第六段...He is in a fantastic position to have a run at his fourth world title...可知,如果Mick Fanning 参加下个月的比赛的话,他有把握获得第四次世界冠军,由此判断,之前他已经获得了三次冲浪世界冠军了。故选C。

3.What can we infer from the passage?

A More measures need to be taken to keep sharks from attacking the surfers.

B You can only find sharks near Jeffreys Bay in South Africa.

C Julian Wilson will receive a prize for his bravery deed.

D Many people clicked and praised Wilson’s courage, causing YouTube’s meltdown.

解析:选A。A 推理判断题。根据文章第七段Certainly it will give us an opportunity to sit down and re-evaluate more the safety side of what we do...可知,这次冲浪运动员遭遇鲨鱼袭击事件让人们有机会重新评价在安全保护方面所做的工作,由此判断,尚需要采取更多措施,防止鲨鱼袭击运动员。

4.What can be the best title of the passage?

A Narrow escape from an attacking shark

B Julian Wilson receives a bravery award

C Shark attacked at South Africa’s Jeffreys Bay

D World champion fought off shark in a surfing event

解析:选D。D 主旨大意题。通读全文可知,本文介绍了澳大利亚运动员在比赛中遭遇鲨鱼并在竞争对手帮助下将其击退的情况。