
TV shows, movies, and magazines show pictures of people who are thin. Does that mean being thin is best? Not necessarily.

People come in all different shapes and sizes, and the best weight for you is one that is right for your individual body type and size. It can be unhealthy to be too thin if you are eating less food than your body needs. You’d better eat enough food for your body need. 

Being overweight is not good either. Kids who are overweight may not be getting the right nutrition if the food they eat has a lot of fat and calories without the other nutrients needed to stay healthy and strong.

Everyone needs to eat a healthy, balanced diet to grow, to fight off infections, to do well in school and at play, and to just feel good. Eating a variety of healthy foods, including fruits and vegetables, is the best way to go. 

When they eat right and exercise, most kids can be a healthy and happy weight that's right for them. If you eat more calories than your body needs to use, you will gain too much weight. If you are in balance, your weight will stay right for you as you grow. But if you eat more and exercise less, you may become overweight. On the other hand, if you eat less and exercise more, you may lose weight.


1.The writer thinks the best weight for a person should be ________.

A a thin body

B a healthy body

C right for one’s body type and size

D tall and thin

解析:选C。C 细节理解题。由第二段的“People come in all different shapes and sizes, and the best weight for you is one that is right for your individual body type and size.”可知你最好的体重是与你的体型相匹配。故选C。

2.Eating less food than your body needs may make you _________.

A feel very hungry

B feel very tired

C not want to work

D not be healthy

解析:选D。D 细节理解题。由第二段的“It can be unhealthy to be too thin if you are eating less food than your body needs.”可知吃比你身体所需更少的食物可能会使你不健康。故选D。

3.The underlined word “overweight” means ________ in Chinese.

A 肥胖的

B 懒惰的

C 不爱吃饭的

D 不爱运动的

解析:选A。A 猜测词意题。由上一段说太瘦不好,推测这里为“肥胖”之意。故选A。

4.The writer advised us to eat ________so that we can feel good every day.

A much meat

B much food that has lots of fat

C rich nutritious food

D a variety of healthy foods

解析:选D。D 细节理解题。由第四段的第一句可知作者建议我们要吃多样化健康的食物。

5.What’s the best title of the passage?

A How to Keep Healthy

B What’s the Right Weight for a Person?

C What is a Balanced Diet?

D How to Lose Weight

解析:选B。B 主旨大意题。细读全文不难看出本文主要是围绕一个人合适的体重是怎们样的来展开叙述的,故选B。