

The mother of a teenage boy who died after taking part in the dangerous “choking game” has launched an emotional appeal to other children not to try the online craze.

Selina Booth found her 14-year-old son Jack Pickles dead in his bed after he was apparently inspired by videos on YouTube and other social media. In the wake of his tragic death, his mother is now trying to stop others from suffering the same fate by raising awareness of the game.

Mrs Booth, 37, warned: “They call it the ‘good boys game’ because it’s not taking drugs or alcohol. Don’t think it’s safe because it causes epileptic seizures, hemorrhages, memory loss and there are kids in comas because of it. If you are playing it now my message to you is to stop. Stop before it’s too late. Do you want it to be your mum who hugs clothes that you’re not in anymore just to smell you?”

“Jack loved YouTube,” Mrs Booth said. “I think that’s where he found that choking game. I would like a charity in Jack’s name so no other parents go through what I’m going through. I just need help in fundraising it and getting it there. I don’t want another kid going down as a suicide because of this game.”

While the choking game—also known by a variety of other names—has existed for decades, the Internet has apparently allowed it to spread more quickly. Seven British children are believed to have died while playing the game in the past five years, while the US government has previously estimated that it kills more than six children a year. An American study found that a fifth of 18-year-olds had tried the craze.

Now videos of the game are freely shared on YouTube, Facebook and Instagram, leading children around the world to try out the potentially fatal craze. Even if the game does not kill, it can cause severe brain damage which could leave victims requiring lifelong care.


1.Choking game is regarded by some people as “good boys game” because _________.

A the players don’t need to take drugs or alcohol

B it is safe and do no harm to the players’ health

C it is a craze and everyone should take part in the play

D it is freely shared on social media and costs nothing

解析:选A。A 细节理解题。根据文章第三段第一句“They call it the ‘good boys game’ because it’s not taking drugs or alcohol”可知,窒息游戏因为不引诱青少 年吸毒或喝酒而被一些人冠以“好男孩游戏”的称 呼。故选 A。

2.Why does Mrs Booth intend to set up a charity in Jack’s name?

A Why does Mrs Booth intend to set up a charity in Jack’s name?

B In the hope of stopping youngsters committing suicides.

C In order to stop more tragic deaths of youngsters.

D To remember her lovely son Jack Pickles.

解析:选C。C 推理判断题。根据文章第四段的“...so no other parents go through what I’m going through”可知, Booth 夫人打算以 Jack 的名义成立一个慈善组 织,目的是为了不让更多的父母像她一样经受丧 子之痛,即为了阻止更多年轻人由于“窒息游戏” 而死亡。故选 C。

3.What can we infer from the passage?

A Mrs Booth believes that more children will die from choking game.

B Social media is the main source to spread choking games among youngsters.

C Youngsters will be laughed at if they don’t know choking game.

D The author thinks social media should be responsible for the spread of choking game.

解析:选D。D 推理判断题。根据文章第五段的“...the Internet has apparently allowed it to spread more quickly”可 以判断,互联网显然让该致命游戏传播得更快 了,所以作者认为社

4.What is the author’s attitude toward the popularity of “choking game”?

A Concerned.

B Doubtful.

C Amazed.

D Enthusiastic.

解析:选A。A 推理判断题。根据文章中的emotional, tragic, suffering, potentially fatal craze, lifelong care 可以推知,作者对于窒息游戏在网络间流行是极为关注的,故选A。