

A new report from the American Heart Association(美国心脏协会)says fitness levels in children are lower today than they were 30 years ago. The researchers looked at the results from the past 46 years. The surveys were on more than 25 million children in 28 countries. The research team found that on average, the children today run one kilometre a minute slower than their parents did thirty years ago. The results were almost the same for boys and girls. One of the biggest reasons for the slowdown in children's running ability is obesity. Kids are overweight because they are eating too much and not exercising enough. 

The researchers say their report is worrying. If children are becoming fatter and less fit, they will be unhealthier in the future. Dr Grant Tomkinson said, “If a young person is unfit now, then they are more likely to get illness, like heart disease later in life.” Dr Tomkinson said,“We need to help the children and young people develop fitness habits that will keep them healthy now and in the future.”He added, “Young people can be fit in different ways. They can be strong like a weightlifter (举重的人), or flexible like a gymnast (体操运动员), or skillful like a tennis player.”


1.A doctor said kids who are unfit now could get _________ in the future.

A liver disease

B lung disease

C heart disease

D kidney disease

解析:选C。C 细节理解题。根据第2段第3句If a young person is unfit now, then they are more likely to get illness, like heart disease later in life.可知,故选C。

2.The doctor said kids need to develop ________.

A fitness habits

B bad habits

C study habits

D relaxation habits

解析:选A。A 细节理解题。根据第2段第4句We need to help to make children and young people to develop fitness habit...可知,故选A。

3.Which of the following is WRONG?

A The researchers said their report is worrying.

B Kids are running more slowly because they have shorter legs.

C Researches looked at the surveys on over 25 million kids worldwide.

D A doctor said we need to help the children and young people develop fitness habits.

解析:选B。B 内容理解题。根据文章中心可知现在儿童跑的慢不是因为他们的腿短,而是因为他们缺少锻炼与自身的肥胖引起的,故选B。

4.What does the underlined word “obesity” mean?

A 不爱吃饭

B 瘦弱

C 懒惰

D 肥胖

解析:选D。D 语义猜测题。根据第1段最后两句可知obesity应为“肥胖”的意思,故选D。

5.Which can make you stronger?

A To be a weightlifter.

B To be a gymnast.

C To be a tennis player.

D To be a swimmer.

解析:选A。A 推理判断题。根据文章最后一句They can be strong like a weightlifter (举重的人),可知,故选A。