

He straps on the belt, tops it off with a hat and in that moment Walt Queen becomes Santa. You can spot him just about anywhere throughout Kentuckiana, from the Bass Pro Shop to the Galt House in Louisville. "So often, people say, 'Do you, are you ... do you play Santa?'" Queen said laughing. Known to many in the area as "Santa Walt," he's made many children happy when they recalled their childhood.

"You never get over it. There's always an empty place there," Queen said. Queen's two daughters, ages 18 and 20, were headed home from work Aug. 10, 1989, when tragedy struck. "When they entered Spaghetti Junction through hospital curve, a truck going northbound dropped a load of junk cars on the south bound lane. They took a direct hit," Queen said. The crash killed three, including a Louisville nurse and Queen's oldest daughters, Jill and Jacqueline Queen.

"After Jackie and Jill died, the first Christmas, we put our tree up and left it there for 10 years and the lights did not go out." Barbara Queen, Walt's wife, said. Through grief and heartache came an idea that sparked Walt's imagination. And no doubt, the beard also played a part. "That really was when my heart felt the calling to become a Santa," he said. "I think the giving back has helped me with the loss," Queen said. "There's always more reward for giving than receiving and when I look into the eyes of the little children and see the joy and happiness I bring to them. "

Lately, Santa Walt has run into health issues, taking time off from his job. His home has been in the family since the 1950s. It's where he met his wife, raised their four children and welcomed seven grandchildren.

After hearing his story, Darrell Wimsatt, a co-worker decided to give back to the man who's given so much to others, creating a GoFundMe page in hopes of collecting $2,000 to help save Santa's house. Little did Queen know just how loved he was. Within two days, that account passed $5,000 and it continues to grow. "Every gift was really an act of love. It was people showing their love for us," Queen said. As of Tuesday evening, the account had raised $8,200.


1.What did Walt Queen do when in Kentuckiana?

A He tried to sell things from Bass Pro Shop Galt House.

B He provided many children with the sweet memories.

C He often strapped his hat and sang in Louisville.

D He became Santa with his hats hidden in bags.

解析:选B。B。细节理解题。根据文章第一段最后一句的Known to many in the area as "Santa Walt," he's made many children happy when they recalled their childhood可以得知,他给许多人的童年带来快乐。

2.The underlined phrase “an empty place” may mean that ______.

A Queen didn’t reach everyplace in the city

B Queen had more children to say hello to

C Queen was sad for his daughter’s death

D Queen lived a bad life when he’s young

解析:选C。C。词意推测题。根据第二段最后一句的The crash killed three, including a Louisville nurse and Queen's oldest daughters, Jill and Jacqueline Queen可知是他的女儿去世后,才让他感觉“有块空白的地方”。

3.How did the accident of Queen’s daughters happen?

A It was hit by the running truck.

B It crashed a load of junk cars directly.

C It dropped into the hospital curve.

D It struck the Spaghetti Junction.

解析:选B。B。细节理解题。根据文章第二段第四句的They took a direct hit可知他女儿的车正好撞到了垃圾车,所以这就导致了她们的车祸。

4.Why did Queen decide to become a Santa?

A To kill the sadness of losing daughters.

B To see the joy and happiness of children.

C To show his beard is very important.

D To give back the help he had received.

解析:选A。A。推理判断题。根据第三段第二句的Through grief and heartache came an idea that sparked Walt's imagination可知他想通过扮演圣诞老人的方式来消除失去女儿的痛苦,并能给其他人带来欢乐。

5.How much more did people donate than expected?

A 2000

B 5000

C 6200

D 8200

解析:选C。C。细节理解题。从文章最后一段第一句的...in hopes of collecting $2,000 to help save Santa's house可知他们本来想筹集2000美元;从文章最后一句的...the account had raised $8,200可以得知筹集的款项超过6200美元。