

Ships near Somalia(索马里)play Britney’s(布兰妮-美国流行歌后)songs to keep Somali pirates away. The people on the ships play loud pop music because the pirates don’t like American music. They thought the pirates hate Britney’s songs most. They stop pirate attacks. Each ship has its music for the pirates.

Loud music makes people crazy. In the prison of Guantanamo(关塔那摩监狱),prisoners listened to loud music for many weeks without any stop. They could not sleep. One prisoner said it was really bad. He said,"It makes you feel like you are going crazy." Some people asked the prisons to stop playing music to the prisoners.


1.Ships near Somalia(索马里)play songs to keep Somali away.

A students

B men

C pirates

D police

解析:选C。C 细节理解题。根据第1段第1句Ships near Somalia(索马里)play Britney’s(布兰妮-美国流行歌后)songs to keep Somali pirates away.可知,故选C。

2.The pirates don’t like_____-music.

A Chinese

B American

C French

D English

解析:选B。B 细节理解题。根据第1段第2句 …because the pirates don’t like American music.可知,故选B。

3.Where do people often play music to make others crazy?

A In the classroom.

B In the hospital.

C In the prisons.

D At office.

解析:选C。C 内容理解题。文中均未提到ABD三项内容,故选C。

4.Which is RIGHT?

A Somalia pirates love Britney very much.

B Britney sings songs on ships to Somalia pirates.

C Prisoners like to listen to loud music.

D It is not right to play loud music to prisoners to keep them awake.

解析:选D。D 内容理解题。ABC三项表述均不符合文中内容表述,故选D。

5.What’s the best title for the passage?

A Britney sings on ships

B A new way to stop pirates

C How to keep someone awake

D Pop music

解析:选B。B 文章标题题。B项“抗击海盗新方法”符合文章主旨,故选B。