

International organizations and non-governmental groups are worried about the safety of girls and women in Nepal. Some observers say the two powerful earthquakes of the past few weeks have made thousands of Nepali girls and young women targets for human traffickers(人贩子).

Hundreds of thousands of people in Nepal are living without shelter or possessions. Observers say the recent earthquakes have left poor women and girls weak to human traffickers. Health workers say the traffickers promise jobs and money, but do not give the girls and women either.

Non-governmental organizations, or NGOs, say the criminal organizations are targeting the country's rural communities. They say some of the groups are using humanitarian activities to hide their true purpose – to kidnap women or trick them to move away.

The United Nations says as many as 15,000 girls are trafficked each year from Nepal. Manyare forced into sex work in countries as far away as South Korea and South Africa. Most of the young women, however, are sent to India to work in brothels -- places where men pay to have sex.

 The United Nations Children's Fund is calling for the creation of temporary (暂时的)places for learning. It says almost one million Nepalese children cannot return to their schools because of damage to the buildings. The UN agency says more than 90 percent of schools were destroyed in some places. In other areas, schools are being used as emergency shelters for earthquake survivors.

A report by the United States government says Nepali women and girls are often forced to work as housekeepers in Nepal and India and others are employed in factories or mines. Some find work in the adult entertainment industry. While others, still, beg on the streets, or ask people for money. Others are sent to Malaysia, Hong Kong, South Korea, and even the nearby Chinese district of Khasa.


1._________are trying to get girls and women away from Nepal by cheating.

A Some observers

B International organizations

C Non-government groups

D Human traffickers


2.Why do the human traffickers target the girls and women in Nepal?

A Because international organizations are worried about their safety.

B Because the earthquake made them homeless and penniless.

C Because they have promised jobs and money for the girls and women.

D Because they hide their true purpose by using humanitarian activities.


3.The underlined word “trick” in paragraph 3 probably means___________.

A drive

B help

C cheat

D persuade


4.What is The United Nations Children’s Fund mainly concerned about?

A Calling for more places for learning.

B The damage of the schools.

C The emergency shelters for children.

D The schooling of the children.


5.Which of the followings can be the best title for this passage?

A Calls to protect Nepalese girls, women from human traffickers

B The two powerful earthquakes left Nepal’s girls and women weak

C Thousands of Nepal’s girls are trafficked from Nepal every year

D Nepali women and girls are forced to work far away from their country
