
More Chinese tourists are interested in Brazil because of the 2014 World Cup and the coming Olympic Games in 2016.

More than 5,000 Chinese tourists traveled to Brazil during the World Cup. The real number is even bigger. The 2014 World Cup was the perfect chance for Chinese tourists to get to know Brazil.

The number of Chinese tourists to Brazil will get to 100,000 a year. In 2012, 65,000 Chinese nationals visited the country.

Because of the high cost and length of flights from China to Brazil, the country is not a nice destination for Chinese tourists. During the World Cup, many Chinese travel more than 30 hours to enjoy the fun.

An online travel agency in Shanghai arranged trips for more than 1,500 Chinese tourists during the tournament. 

“Brazil was not a popular tourism destination. We only had dozens of tourists when we launched outbound trips to Brazil two years ago. But during the tournament, we had more than 2,500 people that asked for information about Brazil," said the product director at the travel agency. 

The number of Chinese tourists traveling to Brazil will grow in the next three to five months. Brazil is not only famous for the World Cup. It also has great tourism resources, such as the Amazon rain forest.


1.How many Chinese tourists traveled to Brazil during the World Cup?

A less than 5000

B About 5000

C more than 5000

D more than 10000

解析:选C。C 根据第二段第1句可知,世界杯期间,5000多名中国游客去巴西旅游, 故选C。

2.How many Chinese nationals visited the country in 2012?

A 3500

B 1500

C 2500

D 65000

解析:选D。D 根据第三段可知2012年,有65000中国侨民参观巴西,故选D.

3.How long does it take to fly from China to Brazil?

A 24 hours

B More than 30 hours

C More than 48 hours

D About 30 hours.

解析:选B。B 根据第四段During the World Cup, many Chinese travel more than 30 hours to enjoy the fun.可知答案是B。

4.The underlined word “destination” in Paragraph 4 means _______ in Chinese.

A 目的地

B 落脚点

C 名胜

D 出发地

解析:选A。A 词义猜测题 根据本句前半句“因为从中国往巴西高昂的费用和长途的飞行时间,所以对中国游客来说,巴西不是……。”可推测划线词语的意思是旅游目的地,故选A。

5.The best title of the passage is ______ .

A More Chinese set to travel to Brazil

B What to see in Brazil

C The cost of tourism from China to Brazil.

D The World Cup in Brazil.

解析:选A。A 根据提问可知,本题的要求是为文章选一个合适的标题。通读全文可知,本文告诉我们,2014年以前,去巴西旅游的中国游客数量极少,主要是因为昂贵的费用以及长途的飞行。而2014年世界杯期间,越来越多的中国人咨询去巴西旅游的相关事宜。而2016年的巴西奥运会,必定能吸引更多的中国人。因此,本题选A。