

A top Obama administration official says the fight against terrorism has entered what he calls a new phase. Homeland Security Secretary Jeh Johnson spoke to ABC News on Sunday. He said groups like the self-declared Islamic State are successfully using social media to interest new members or to launch attacks in the United States.

His comments followed reports that federal law enforcement officials have launched hundreds of investigations to identify likely terrorists nationwide.

Mr. Johnson says the terrorist threat has changed because of the successful use of social media by the Islamic State. He says the group has shown the ability to reach out and recruit (招聘,吸收)members in the United States.

"Because of the use of the Internet, we could have little, or no, notice in advance of an independent actor (attacker) attempting to strike. And so that's why law enforcement at the local level needs to be ever more careful, and we're constantly reminding them to do that."

Mr. Johnson says federal, state and local law enforcement officials are cooperating more closely now than they were before the terrorist attacks of September 11, 2001.

Secretary Johnson says federal officials are fighting social media recruitment efforts by talking to members of the Muslim community in the United States. Mr. Johnson admits the Islamic State seems to be effective in its communications. He says Muslim communities must help federal, state and local officials fight the recruiting efforts.

Mr. Johnson supported the decision by U.S. military officials to increase security at bases across the country. The FBI had warned that Islamist militants could attack troops or local police.


1._________are (is) making use of the social media to attract people to join them.

A Obama

B Terrorists

C Security Secretary

D Johnson

解析:选B。B。细节理解题。由第1段可知, 自称是伊斯兰国组织的恐怖分子, 利用网络这种新模式在网上招募人员加入他们。

2.What have the federal law enforcement officials done recently?

A They’ve carried out a nationwide investigation.

B They’ve fought against the terrorists nationwide.

C They’ve told the ABC news about the terrorist threat.

D They’ve launched hundreds of attacks in the United States.

解析:选A。A。推理判断题。奥巴马政府高级官员的话来自于一个报告(His comments followed reports),而这个报告是从美国联邦执行委所进行的全国范围内对疑似恐怖分子的调查鉴别中得出的。由此可推知,美国联邦法律执行委最近做过一次大的全国范围内的调查(A选项)。

3.Why do they warn the local law enforcement workers to be more careful?

A Because they are constantly reminding the terrorists.

B Because independent actors are using the Internet.

C Because terrorists have little notice of their attempt to strike.

D Because the Internet makes it harder to attack the terrorists.


4.The effective way to fight the using of social media to recruit is to________.

A admit the Islamic State is effective

B cooperate more closely with the terrorists

C fight social media recruitment efforts

D talk to members of the Muslim community


5.Who suggested increasing security at bases across the country?


B Mr. Johnson

C U.S. Military officials

D Islamist militants

解析:选C。C。细节理解题。由最后一段可知,Mr. Johnson supported the decision by U.S. military officials to increase...。 他赞成由美国军方提出的方案,由此可知,此方案是美国军方提出的。