


   As the house filled with hot smoke, Mike Hughes says he had a hunch. He dashed into a room -- the first he tried—and there was a 9-month-old girl. The firefighter gathered the infant in his arms and rushed her to safety. "Another 20 seconds and it would have been a different result,” he recalled. That rescue happened 17 years ago. The girl, Dawnielle Davison, is now 18, and on Saturday, she graduated from high school.

    Her family and friends were there to support her on her big day. But Davison also had a special guest in the crowd: the firefighter who saved her life. Hughes, who lives inWashington, and is now retired, said that he connected with Davison about five years ago after rediscovering an old newspaper about his rescue of the girl.

    "I thought, I wonder if that baby I pulled out of that fire is still alive and kicking. So I just got on Facebook and looked her name up and there she was," the 61-year-old said. "I thought it would be fun to say hi."

    Davison says she had no idea that she had come so close to death at such a young age until Hughes reached out to her. But she said that once her shock at the news wore off, she felt thankful that "someone like that, who saved me, cared enough" to find out what had become of her. "I feel like I owe him a lot,” the teen added. Since making that initial connection, Hughes and Davison have kept in touch, chatting over Facebook and meeting in person on occasion.

    For her graduation, Davison says she knew she wanted her hero to be there. “It’s really emotional," Davison said through tears. "I don't know really how to describe it, they're happy tears, to realize some things could have gone wrong."


1.What would happen to Davison without Mike Hughes?

A She would have had a lunch.

B She would have graduated later.

C She would have lost her life.

D She would have learned smoking.

解析:选C。C。推理判断题。根据第1段第4句的"Another 20 seconds and it would have been a different result,...可知如果没有Mike Hughes的拯救,Davison会被烧死。

2.The underlined phrase “her big day” may refer to the day _____.

A when she was saved

B when she graduated from high school

C when she got married

D when she became an intelligent infant.

解析:选B。B。细节理解题。根据第1段最后1句的The girl, Dawnielle Davison, is now 18, and on Saturday, she graduated from high school可知最重要的日子是指她高中毕业的那一天。

3.How old was Hughes when he saved Davison?

A 17

B 47

C 61

D 72

解析:选B。B。细节理解题。根据文章第1段第5句的That rescue happened 17 years ago可知他是在17年前救了这个孩子;另外从第3段第2句的the 61-year-old said可知他今年61岁了;据此可以得知那一年他47岁。

4.They get to know each other ______.

A by letters

B through internet

C by meeting in person

D on newspaper

解析:选B。B。细节理解题。根据第3段第2句的So I just got on Facebook and looked her name up and there she was...可知他们是通过因特网认识对方的。

5.Why did Davison cry when she invited Hughes?

A Because this was the first time they met each other.

B Because she wanted to be a hero in her own dream.

C Because what Hughes had done changed her life.

D Because she didn’t know how to describe herself.

解析:选C。C。推理判断题。根据文章最后一段第二句的“It’s really emotional," Davison said through tears可知是因为消防队员曾经救了自己,她才哭泣的。