


   As an English learner, you want to be able to understand and to discuss a subject. You want to have the ability to express your opinions, and to support that opinion with a clear argument.

   In everyday conversation, Americans use the word debate to talk about discussions among people. When people debate, they give their own opinions about a topic.

   Another use of the word debate describes a more formal discussion.

   Debaters work on a team to convince a judge that their opinion about a topic has more value than the opposite side's opinion. A debate contest traditionally has this structure:

   Teams agree to debate a resolution, a statement, such as "Nuclear power should be banned."

   One team is the affirmative team(正方), in support of the resolution. One is the negative, against the resolution.

   Each team gives an argument for or against the resolution. Then each team asks questions about the other team's argument. After answering the questions, each team makes more statements to support their argument.

   Finally they summarize the arguments. In a classic debate, teams may take 12 turns, in which one member of the team speaks.

   Students work with the idea of building their argument just like they would build a house. They would draw their house on paper or a whiteboard and list:

 The focus of the discussion or the debate is the roof.

 The reasons and arguments are the "pillars" to support the roof.

 The data, numbers, examples, and expert opinions provide the concrete foundation.

  The house metaphor(比喻) gives students a way to plan what they will say to support their message. As many nervous speakers know, having a visual aid is very helpful when speaking in public in a second language.

1.In America, when people say they are debating, it may probably means that________.

A they are learning English

B they are showing off their ability

C they are supporting you

D they are just discussing


2.What’s the formal use of debate?

A Debaters are trying to make a judge believe their opinions are more valuable.

B Debaters are working on opinions that are opposite to each other.

C Debaters have more value than a topic they are discussing about.

D Debaters and judges are always arguing about the importance of something.


3.The underlined word in paragraph 4 probably means_________.

A 使信服

B 使赞成

C 使喜欢

D 使反对

解析:选A。A。词义猜测题。辩论的双方都尽量使评判人员”信服”自己的观点更有价值和说服力 。

4.What are the students doing when they draw a house on a piece of paper?

A They are trying to design a new house.

B They are showing their anxiety.

C They are designing their debating.

D They are supporting their house.


5.What can we infer from the underlined sentence?

A Nervous speakers like to draw pictures when speaking.

B Visual aid can overcome your nervousness, and express better.

C Drawing a picture can help you learn a second language.

D Learning foreign language can help you paint better.
