

A publishing company plans to print all of the articles from the Wikipedia website(维基百科全书网站). Pedia Press(维基出版社)hopes to print all the information of Wikipedia in 1,000 books, each including 1,200 pages. Wikipedia has over 4.3 million articles and 2.6 billion words. Over 20 million volunteers have helped to write it. There will be nearly 1.2 million pages of print. The page numbers will continue from book to book and the final page will be number 1,193,014. Pedia Press needs $50,000 to start the project. It wants people to donate money so it can go ahead with the first copy. The company has already printed number one of the thousand books. 

    Many people are questioning why Pedia Press wants to print out such a huge website. They say it will be out of date as soon as it starts printing. A spokesman from Pedia Press said the company wants to show the world just how big Wikipedia really is. He said, “We think that the best way to know the size of Wikipedia is by transforming it into the physical medium (物质媒介) of books.” He added, “Including the most books and written by the largest number of volunteers, the printed books will be a work of record-breaking.” The company may take the books on a world tour. After that, it will donate them to a big public library.


1.Each book will have______pages .

A 2.6 billion

B 4.3 million

C 1,000

D 1200

解析:选D。D 细节理解题。根据第1段第2句each including 1,200 pages可知,故选D。

2.Pedia Press wants to show the world ______.

A its new factory

B its new printing methods

C how big Wikipedia is

D its logo

解析:选C。C 细节理解题。根据第2段第3句A spokesman from Pedia Press said the company wants to show the world just how big Wikipedia really is.可知,故选C。

3.Which of the following is TRUE?

A Wikipedia will end its website and become a book company.

B There are around 4.3 billion words on the Wikipedia website.

C Many people think the book is a great idea.

D The books will break many publishing records.

解析:选D。D 内容理解题。根据第2段第5句He added,“Including the most books and written by the largest number of volunteers, the printed books will be a work of record-breaking.”可知D项正确,故选D。

4.What does the underlined word “transforming” mean?

A 运输

B 转换

C 运用

D 翻译

解析:选B。B 语义推测题。文章内容为维基出版社打算将维基网站的内容编辑出书,所以transform理解为将网站内容“转换”为“书”这种物质媒介,故选B。

5.What is the best title of this passage?

A Print the Wikipedia

B How wonderful Wikipedia is

C We need more money

D Pedia Press

解析:选A。A 文章标题题。根据文章内容可知Print the Wikipedia(出版维基百科全书)契合文章内容,故选A。