

As reports of the death toll rise in Nepal, countries and relief organizations around the world are rushing to send personnel and supplies to aid the search and rescue effort.

Within hours after the earthquake struck Nepal on Saturday, April 25, India sent teams of National Disaster Response Force (NDRF) along with relief supplies to help the neighboring country.

Xinhua, the Chinese state-run news agency reports that a 62-member China International Search-and-Rescue Team left for Nepal early Sunday with six sniffer dogs and medical equipment.

The U.S. provided with $1 million in disaster relief. On Sunday afternoon, the Pentagon(五角大楼) said that a US military plane has left with more than 70 workers, six search dogs and 45 tons of cargo(货物).

Other nations promising their support for the search and rescue efforts include Germany, France, Great Britain, Israel, Switzerland and the United Arab Emirates.

According to the Associated Press, U.N. spokeswoman Orla Fagan says 14 international medical teams and about 15 search-and-rescue teams are on the way to Nepal. She adds, "They need to get in as soon as possible." By Sunday, the death toll had risen above 2,500. There are many more reportedly injured and homeless.

UNICEF says that at least 940,000 children will require immediate aid. The organization is also readying two flights with a combined 120 metric tons of medical supplies, tents and blankets for urgent airlift to Katmandu.

Along the Nepal-India border, four medical teams from Doctors Without Borders are heading to the quake-affected area. Other teams of doctors from Brussels, Amsterdam and Japan are on their way to provide medical assistance.


1.It seems that__________first sent their rescue teams to earthquake stricken Nepal.

A China

B India

C The U.S.

D Russia


2.Besides usual rescuing stuff, what special things do China and the U.S take along?

A medical equipment

B money

C planes

D dogs


3.How many nations are mentioned in this report?

A 11

B 3

C 6

D 9

解析:选A。A。细节理解题。全文共提到了11个国家名字(Brussels, Amsterdam,不包括在内),尼泊尔包括在内。

4.The underlined word ‘readying’ in the last but two paragraph means__________.

A find

B wait for

C prepare

D send

解析:选C。C.词义猜测题。Ready一词在中学教材中都作形容词,表示‘准备好了’,而此处作动词,表示‘为...作好准备’,而且根据后面说等待紧急的空中运输(for urgent airlift),所以这里的意思应为prepare.

5.Which of the followings can be the best title for this report?

A World Reaches Out to Nepal.

B Deadly Earthquake Struck Nepal.

C Doctors Without Borders to Nepal.

D International Search-and-Rescue Teams.

解析:选A。A。文章题目题。全篇报到内容是世界各国的救援队或组织前往或正在前往尼泊尔灾区,所以A选项是正确答案。这里reach out 意思是:伸出援助之手,即‘帮助’之意。