
Gov Jerry Brown on Monday signed into law AB 2127, which bans football teams at middle and high schools from holding full-contact practices(对抗性训练) that exceed 90 minutes a day. The new law limits the number of full-contact practices during the season to two per week and prohibits contact practices during the off-season. 

The new rule, which takes effect Jan. 1, 2015, is designed to help reduce concussions(脑震荡) and other serious brain injuries.

Assemblyman Ken Cooley, who sponsored the bill, said, “AB 2127 will reassure(使……放心) parents that their kids can learn football safely through three hours of full-contact practice … to make the most of conditioning and skill development while reducing concussion risk to the least.” He added that 19 other states already ban full-contact practices in the off-season.

Nearly 4 million high school students nationwide suffer head injuries every year, according to the US Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. The law will come up following a new rule, going into effect this fall, which restricts California high school coaches from holding practices for more than 18 hours a week.

Some high school coaches say the new law and rule will interfere(妨碍) with their ability to field a quality team that is properly prepared to avoid injury.

Javier Cid, coach of the football team at Los Angeles Roosevelt High, said they need to hold full-contact practices. “We do need to figure out who can play. That’s a very important part of our summer practice. That’s how we determine who our starters(上场人员) will be,” Cid said.

Sen Joel Anderson voted against the new rules, saying the legislature should not be telling local officials how much time should be devoted to full-contact practices. “I expect high school coaches to use common sense,” Anderson said. “I expect them to be professional. I expect them to look at and understand their athletes and I expect them to protect their athletes to the best of their ability.”


1.What is the aim of law AB 2127?

A To tell the coaches the proper time to train their students.

B To make the coaches more professional in working with the athletes.

C To keep the students free from concussions and other brain injuries.

D To make sure the parents know their kids can learn football safely.

解析:选C。C。细节理解题。根据文章第二段…designed to help reduce concussions and other serious brain injuries可知,新法律的目的在于减少对抗性训练造成的脑震荡以及其他严重的脑部损伤。

2.How long can the students have full-contact practices according to the new rule?

A No more than 1.5 hour a day.

B No more than 3 hours a day.

C No more than 18 hours a week.

D No more than 15 hours a week.

解析:选A。A。细节理解题。根据文章第一段bans …from holding full-contact practices that exceed 90 minutes a day可知,新规要求,每天进行的对抗性训练不得超过90分钟,即1.5小时。故选A。

3.What can we infer from the passage?

A Many parents expected their kids to be professional football players.

B The students faced safety issues when playing in full-contact practices.

C The new rule received all-around support in the state of California.

D The government had no right to tell football teams what to do.


4.Why do football teams need to hold contact practices?

A They will know who can play football by doing this.

B The students will be made more professional by doing this.

C It is an important summer practice.

D They can find out who can be allowed to play games at last.


5.What is the intention of the author by writing this passage?

A To report the risks that exist in full-contact practices.

B To express his concerns about the safety issues in football practices.

C To introduce a new law that will come into effect next year.

D To tell football coaches how to make the students qualified.
