

Fast-food workers in 58 cities in the USA did not go to work on Thursday. They went on strike because they want more money. The workers these years get paid the lowest wage. This was set at $7.25 in 2009 and has not changed since then. Many workers say they cannot live on that. The price of everything has gone up but their wages have stayed the same for five years. The workers want $15 an hour, which is double their wage. Julio Wilson, at a pizza restaurant, told the BBC he earns $9 an hour. He said that wasn’t enough to support himself and his five-year-old daughter. He said: “I know I may lose my job by doing so, but it’s my right to fight for what I deserve.”

McDonald's and Burger King(汉堡王)both spoke about the strike. They said they did not make decisions about how much to pay workers in most of their restaurants. They said each restaurant is independent and the manager decides how much to pay the workers. McDonald’s profits were over $5.5 billion in 2011. They also said that an increase in wages would mean more expensive hamburgers. America’s National Restaurant Association (美国餐饮协会) said the wages were low because the staff are young and have little work experience. It said: “Only 5% of restaurant workers earn the lowest wage and they are mainly working part-time and half are teenagers.”


1.Workers went on strike because_____.

A they didn’t like fast food.

B they wanted more money.

C they didn’t like fast food.

D they wanted more food.

解析:选B。B 细节理解题。根据第1段第2句They went on strike because they want more money.可知,故选B。

2.How much is the lowest wage in the USA?

A 7

B 7

C 7

D 7

解析:选B。B 细节理解题。根据第1段第3、4句The workers these years get paid the lowest wage. This was set at $7.25 in 2009 and has not changed since then.可知,故选B。

3.What does “that” refer to in sentence 5 in the first paragraph?

A The lowest wage.

B Fast food.

C The restaurants.

D The strike.

解析:选A。A 综合理解题。根据上文语境可知是低廉的报酬使工人们生活得不到保障,故选A。

4.What does the underlined word “profits” mean?

A 销售价

B 暴利

C 盈利

D 成果

解析:选C。C 语义推测题。根据句子大意可知翻译为“盈利”符合逻辑,故选C。

5.What is the best title for the passage?

A Strike happens in U.S. fast-food workers

B Less experience, less pay

C Workers and their restaurants

D Teenagers should earn more money

解析:选A。A 文章标题题。文章主要围绕美国快餐业工人罢工展开,所以A项契合文章主旨,故选A。