
Chinese branches of fast food chains, including McDonald’s and KFC, have stopped using meat from a supplier in Shanghai following allegations it sold them out of date meat.

According to Xinhua, the state-owned news agency, authorities in Shanghai have ordered the suspension of operations at Shanghai Husi Food Co. Reports by local media said that Husi had reused expired meat products.

McDonald’s and KFC said they had stopped using meat from Husi.

In a statement posted on its website, the Shanghai Municipal Food and Drug Administration said it had “decided to investigate claims of the alleged use of expired raw food material production and the use of it in food”.

Shanghai Husi is the Chinese unit of US-based food supplier OSI Group. According to OSI’s website, the company’s unit in China “started to provide high-quality products to McDonald’s China” in 1992. The unit began supplying Yum China in 2008. Yum China manages the KFC and Pizza Hut chains and its sales have been hit by recent health scares. Yum’s sales went down after a report in 2012 said two of its suppliers were providing chickens with excessive levels of antibiotics. Just as the firm was recovering from those allegations, fears of an outbreak of bird flu in the country brought its sales down.

Benjamin Cavender from consultancy China Market Research Group, based in Shanghai said: “Yum has just started rebuilding credibility and had some nice sales which just came out for the second quarter. I think this is really going to set them back.” According to figures from research firm Euromonitor, McDonald’s and Yum are the two leading fast food chains in China, based on sales.

Speaking to Reuters a spokesperson for McDonald’s in China said: “If proven, the practices outlined in the reports are completely unacceptable to McDonald’s anywhere in the world.”



1.Why did Shanghai officials order the Shanghai Husi Food Co. to stop producing food products?

A Because they were said of using out of date meat products.

B Because they are a supplier of McDonald’s and KFC.

C Because they are a foreign fast food branch based in China.

D Because they sold expired meat products to consumers.

解析:选A。A。细节理解题。根据文章第二段Reports by local media said that Husi had reused expired meat products可知,有地方媒体报道了福喜公司使用过期肉类产品的情况,上海市政府据此勒令其停业调查。故选A。

2.What will affect Yum’s credibility and bring their sales down again?

A The recent public health scares.

B The outbreak of bird flu in the country.

C The recent use of expired meat products.

D Excessive levels of antibiotics in its products.


3.What can be implied in the passage?

A Reuse of expired products can reduce the cost.

B Food industry depends much on credibility.

C Yum enjoys pleasant sales all year round.

D The public are no longer fond of fast foods.

解析:选B。B。推理判断题。根据文章第五段…started rebuilding credibility… this is really going to set them back可以判断,企业的生存之道在于其良好的信誉度。不能诚实经营,也就谈不上信誉度,企业将无法生存。

4.Where can you read this article?

A Instructions.

B Cookbook.

C Guidebook.

D Newspaper.

解析:选D。D。推理判断题。根据文章中的According to Xinhua与Speaking to Reuters可以判断,本文为新闻报道,因此应刊登在报纸上。

5.Why does the author write this passage?

A To speak highly of the action of Shanghai officials against illegal practices.

B To call on the public to be aware of the poor quality of fast food products.

C To give a general report on the alleged practices of reusing out of date meat.

D To express his doubt about the alleged practices of using expired meat products.
