
Smoking in cars when children are present will be banned in Wales, the first minister has announced.

Carwyn Jones and Health Minister Mark Drakeford have said it aims to protect youngsters from the effects of second-hand smoke in a confined space. Wales became the first country in the UK to consider dealing with the issue of smoking in cars when children are present. Those who neglect a ban could face fines and points on their licenses. 

Any new regulations would apply only to Wales, but the Welsh government says it is in touch with the Department of Health in England to “co-ordinate approaches” on the issue. Welsh government-backed research by Cardiff University has suggested one in 10 children in Wales continue to be exposed to smoke in family cars.  

Dr Graham Moore, who led the study, welcomed the ban. “Our evidence points to a need for continued action to make smoking in front of children less socially acceptable, whether in the car or at home.” he said.

The first minister said: “While I welcome the fact the number of children being exposed to smoking in cars has declined, a fairly large minority of young people are still being exposed and adults continue to smoke in their cars when children are present.”

Mr Drakeford added: “The research findings show that progress has been made in reducing children’s exposure to second-hand smoke in cars. But we believe the introduction of regulations to prohibit smoking in private vehicles carrying under-18s is needed as the final piece in the jigsaw to eliminate the harm and end persistent inequalities in exposure. We will now consult on these proposals and I urge people to have their say.”

It follows a vote earlier this year in Westminster on the issue which was passed by 376 votes to 107. It gave ministers in England and Wales the power to bring in a ban - but does not compel them to do so.

In England, the UK government wants to introduce a ban before the next general election, which is due in 2015.


1.Why did Wales introduce the ban according to the first minister?

A Smoking in a smaller place is harmful to one’s health.

B Second-hand smoke does much harm to youngsters.

C It is impolite to smoke in a confined place.

D Many people neglect youngsters in presence.

解析:选B。细节理解题。根据文章第二段…it aims to protect youngsters from the effects of second-hand smoke in a confined space可知,车内空间狭小,二手烟对儿童的健康更为有害,这项禁令实施的目的就是为了保护儿童免受车内二手烟危害。

2.What was the possible evidence to support the ban on smoking in cars with children?

A One in 10 children in Wales are exposed to smoke in family cars.

B Only a minority of adults smoke with their children present.

C The number of young people taking cars with smoking adults has declined.

D Smoking in front of children appears socially unacceptable.

解析:选D。细节理解题。根据文章第四段to make smoking in front of children less socially acceptable可知,在儿童面前吸烟从社会层面也是不能接受的,因此引进这项禁令很容易得到社会的支持的。

3.What does Mr Drakeford mean by saying “the final piece in the jigsaw”?

A The last piece to complete the creative task.

B The most important step to protect youngsters.

C The newest regulation to ban smoking in cars.

D The last but most important measure to stop the harm.

解析:选D。推理判断题。根据文章第六段…to eliminate the harm and end persistent inequalities in exposure可知,这里的final piece in the jigsaw是一个比喻,卫生部长Mark Drakeford把引进的这项禁令比喻成保护儿童免受车内二手烟危害的最关键的举措。故选D。

4.What can be implied in the passage?

A The ban is brought in based on people’s proposals.

B The ministers in Wales have the power to bring in the ban.

C The ban is introduced following a vote on passage.

D The ministers were compelled to bring in the ban.

解析:选C。推理判断题。根据文章第七段passed by 376 votes to 107可以推断,这项禁令是在投票表决的前提下通过的。

5.What can be the best title of the passage?

A Smoking in Cars with Children Will Be Banned in Wales.

B Smoking in Front of Children Are Prohibited in Wales.

C Youngsters Are Exposed to Second-hand Smoke in Cars.

D New Measures Stop Adults Smoking in Cars.
