
Korean language studies are quickly growing in popularity across the United States. The Modern Language Association says the number of U.S. college students taking a Korean language class rose by almost 45% between 2009 and 2013.

David Schaberg, Dean of Humanities at the University of California, Los Angeles, said, "As a dean of humanities, to look at a country that's creating its reputation globally through cultural production, that's very exciting."

Rosemary Feal, the executive director of The Modern Language Association ,said, "Many students say they really want to get inside the culture and they want a better understanding, and so clearly language gives us access into culture and cultural expression."

Persida Radu is learning Korean. Like many others, her interest in the language started with music. "I actually first got into Korean pop and then the dramas they show, and then learning it."

Ms. Feal says there is another reason for the popularity of Korean language studies. She notes that children of Korean immigrants want to speak to their parents and grandparents in Korean.

She is describing people like John Park. He is taking a special class for ethnic Koreans. The class is designed for those who may speak a little Korean, but not enough to talk with older family members who may not speak English. 

Professor Sung-Ock Sohn teaches Korean classes at UCLA. She says another reason people want to learn the language is the growing economic power of South Korea.

Professor Schaberg says the popularity of Korean language training is also affecting American culture. He says it shows that American culture is becoming more Asian, or at least opening up to more Asian influences.

Language researchers say the growing number of U.S. students taking Korean language classes shows no sign of ending anytime soon. Their reasons: the popularity of K-pop and the rising number of Korean-Americans seeking to re-connect with older family members.


1.It is________that attracts U.S. students to learn Korean language.

A popularity

B culture

C reputation

D humanity


2.What does the underlined word “it” in paragraph 4 refer to?

A Korean pop.

B Korean drama.

C Korean culture.

D Korean language.

解析:选D。D。推理判断题。Persida Radu讲述她学韩语是因先喜欢上韩国音乐,然后是戏剧。所以这里的it是指韩语。

3.What 's the meaning of the underlined word ‘immigrant’ in paragraph 5?

A 市民

B 公民

C 移民

D 难民


4.This passage gives_________reasons for the booming of Korean language in America.

A three

B two

C one

D many


5.What does the last paragraph want to tell us?

A The popularity of Korean pop will affect America.

B The Korean-Americans are seeking to go home.

C Korean immigrants will reconnect with their families.

D The trend of learning Korean language will continue.


6.What does the last paragraph want to tell us?

A The popularity of Korean pop will affect America.

B The Korean-Americans are seeking to go home.

C Korean immigrants will reconnect with their families.

D The trend of learning Korean language will continue.
