德国获世界杯冠军 举国欢庆
德国获世界杯冠军 举国欢庆


After nervously seeing out the final moments of the game, the German team and their fans, both back in Germany and in the stadium, burst into wild celebrations as the final whistle blew.

The Die Welt newspaper celebrated Germany’s victory with a three-word headline in the national colors of black, red and gold that read simply: “It is true,” while Der Spiegel magazine’s website listed Germany’s titles: “1954. 1974. 1990. 2014!” 

Midfielder Mario Goetze, who wasn’t born when Germany won its last World Cup, sealed the title with his extra-time goal. ‘THANK GOETZ! World champions!’ screamed the mass-circulation daily Bild. 

‘Super Mario gets the fourth star!’ read the headline in Berlin tabloid Berliner Kurier. 

German astronaut Alexander Gerst congratulated the team from the International Space Station on its ‘top performance.’ He tweeted a picture of himself in a Germany team shirt with an extra fourth star – ‘as experts on stars, we already got one.’

Chancellor Angela Merkel and President Joachim Gauck, who traveled together to the final in Rio de Janeiro. Merkel visited the players in the dressing room after the match and delivered a congratulatory speech and posed for photographs. A regular fixture at most Germany matches, Merkel is as passionate as any fan of the national side.

This morning British Prime Minister David Cameron, on a visit to the Farnborough air show, said: “Germany has done a great job. I texted Angela Merkel as soon as the match was over.”

About a quarter of a million fans celebrated into the night at the packed ‘fan mile’ in front of Berlin’s Brandenburg Gate, while car drivers blasted their horns into the early hours of the morning. 

The German party is expected to resume tomorrow morning, when coach Joachim Low’s team is due to land at Berlin’s Tegel airport and then celebrate its triumph at the Brandenburg Gate. 

The Finance Ministry said it will issue a special ‘Germany World Cup champion’ postage stamp. But don’t expect Germany to declare a national holiday in celebration.

‘There is no serious discussion of this,’ government spokeswoman Christiane Wirtz said.


1.What do we know from Paragraph One?

A The German team has gone back to Germany after winning the game.

B Football fans were very nervous not knowing which team would win.

C The German team and the fans started celebrating their victory.

D Football fans came to the stadium to celebrate the end of World Cup 2014.

解析:选C。细节理解题。根据文章第一段…burst into wild celebrations as the final whistle blew可知,比赛结束哨响过之后,德国队和球迷们开始了庆祝获得世界杯冠军的狂欢。

2.What can be inferred from the numbers given on the website of Der Spiegel magazine?

A They suggested the years when Germany took part in the World Cup.

B They referred to the years when World Cup was held.

C Germany won the championship of World Cup in these years.

D They are lucky numbers to represent fame and glory.

解析:选C。推理判断题。根据2014及下文的extra fourth star可以推断,德国队已经获得了世界杯的四次冠军,这四个年代是德国队获得冠军的年代。

3.Why does the author mention Alexander Gerst in the passage?

A To express his congratulations on Germany’s triumph.

B To prove that the astronaut has found a new star recently.

C To show us the pictures he has taken in space.

D To present his work in international space station.

解析:选A。细节理解题。根据文章第五段…congratulated the team from the International Space Station…可知,作者在文章中提及Alexander Gerst是为了表达宇航员对德国队的祝贺。

4.What could David Cameron probably say in his texting message to Angela Merkel?

A His visit to the Farnborough air show.

B His congratulations on German team’s victory.

C His expectation of meeting the German chancellor.

D Asking about the time when World Cup ends up.

解析:选B。推理判断题。根据语境,结合卡梅伦的溢美之词“has done a great job”可知,卡梅伦在给默克尔的短信是祝贺德国队获得冠军。故选B。

5.What will the German government do to celebrate the national World Cup win?

A They will have a serious discussion.

B They will declare a national holiday.

C A party will be held at the Brandenburg Gate.

D A stamp will be issued to remember the triumph.

解析:选D。细节理解题。根据文章倒数第二段…will issue a special ‘Germany World Cup champion’ postage stamp可知,德国邮政部门将发行一枚纪念德国队获得世界杯冠军的邮票。