
1.—Hi, John. Are you busy? —________

A Yes. I do agree.

B Yes. That would be nice.

C No. Are you sure?

D No.What's up?

解析:选D。D 考查交际用语。句意:——你好,John。你忙吗?——不忙,有什么事吗? What's up怎么了,有什么事吗,符合语境。Yes. I do agree.是的,我真的同意;Yes. That would be nice.是的,那太好了;No. Are you sure?不,你确定吗?

2.Jane's grandmother had wanted to write _______ children's book for many years, but one thing or another always got in ______ way.

A a;不填

B the;the

C 不填;the

D a;the

解析:选D。D 考查冠词。句意:Jane的奶奶多年来一直想写一本儿童书籍,但总有这样那样的事情阻碍她不能实现。第一空表泛指,故用不定冠词a;第二空为固定表达get in the way妨碍,阻碍。

3.Have you ever heard of the trees that are homes _______ animals both on land and sea?

A about

B to

C with

D over

解析:选B。B 考查介词辨析。句意:你听说过既可生长在陆地上又可生长在海里的可作为动物家园的树吗?固定表达home to...是……的家园或故乡。本题里面有that定语从句,注意理解。

4.It was so noisy that we _______ hear ourselves speak.

A couldn't

B shouldn't

C mustn't

D needn't

解析:选A。A 考查情态动词辨析。句意:太吵闹了,我们不能听到我们在说什么。must 表推测只能用于肯定,用于否定表示禁止。can/could表示能力,能够,符合语境。

5.Studies have shown that the right and left ear ________ sound differently.

A produce

B pronounce

C process

D download

解析:选C。C 考查动词辨析。句意:研究表明左右耳处理声音的方式是不同的。process加工,处理,符合语境。produce生产,制作,创作;pronounce发音;download下载。

6.If you swim in a river or lake, be sure to investigate ______ is below the water surface. Often there are rocks or branches hidden in the water.

A what

B who

C that

D whoever

解析:选A。A 考查宾语从句的引导词。句意:如果你在河里或湖里游泳的话,务必调查清楚水面之下有什么。水中经常隐藏着石头或树枝。根据后面rocks and branches可知,此处要用what来引导。分析宾语从句的成分可以发现,空格所做的成分是主语,that只有语法意义,所以用what来指代树枝和石头。

7.Body language can ______ a lot about your mood, so standing with your arms folded can send out a signal that you are being defensive.

A take away

B throw away

C put away

D give away

解析:选D。D 考查动词短语辨析。句意:肢体语言能够清楚地泄露出你的情绪,因此双臂交叉站着则表示你具有防御性。give away泄露,符合语境。take away拿开,拿走;throw away扔掉;put away收起来,放好,储存。

8.Albert Einstein was born in 1879. As a child, few people guessed that he ______ a famous scientist whose theories would change the world.

A has been

B had been

C was going to be

D was

解析:选C。C 考查动词的时态。句意:爱因斯坦出生于1879年。小时候,几乎没有人想到他会成为一个其理论将会改变世界的科学家。根据语境可知,此处要用过去将来时。本题关键的几个动词给了我们暗示。guessed,说明句子是过去时态;would说明用于过去将来时。

9._______ a single word can change the meaning of a sentence, a single sentence can change the meaning of a paragraph.

A Just as

B Even though

C Until

D Unless

解析:选A。A 考查状语从句的引导词。句意:正如一个单词可以改变句子的意义一样,一个句子也可以改变一段的意义。just as正如,正像,符合语境。even though尽管;until直到;unless除非,如果不。状语从句的连接词主要考查语言应用能力,读懂句子即可得出正确答案。

10.Most people work because it's unavoidable._______,there are some people who actually enjoy work.

A As a result

B In addition

C By contrast

D In conclusion

解析:选C。C 考查介词短语辨析。句意:大多数人工作是因为无法避免,相比之下,也有一些人是真的喜欢工作。by contrast相比之下,符合语境。as a result结果;in addition另外,此外;in conclusion最后,综上所述。

11.We tend to have a better memory for things that excite our senses or ______ our emotions than for straight facts.

A block off

B appeal to

C subscribe to

D come across

解析:选B。B 考查动词短语辨析。句意:我们倾向于对令感官兴奋的或吸引我们情感的东西记忆深刻。appeal to对……有吸引力,符合语境。block off封闭,封锁;subscribe to预订,同意,订阅;come across偶然遇见,偶然发现。这个句子结构的理解非常关键,特别是前面that引导的定语从句,还有or引导的并列句。其实分析完结构就可知道,选择的答案就是寻找与前面excite our senses的近义词组,即apple to…。

12.How would you like _______ if you were watching your favorite TV program and someone came into the room and just shut it off without asking you?

A them

B one

C those

D it

解析:选D。D 考查代词辨析。句意:如果你正在看最喜爱的电视节目,这时有人进来没有征求你的意见就把电视关了,你会怎么想。固定表达how would you like it if...,在此结构中it代替后面if句的内容。It充当形式宾语。

13.Most of us, if we know even a little about where our food comes from, understand that every bite put into our mouths was _______ alive.

A steadily

B instantly

C formerly

D permanently

解析:选C。C 考查副词辨析。句意:如果我们知道一点食物的来源,我们中的大多数人就会明白我们嘴里的每一口食物从前都是活着的。formerly以前,从前,符合语境。steadily稳固地,坚定地,不动摇地;permanently永久地,长期不变地。

14.Listening is thus an active, not a ______, behavior consisting of hearing, understanding and remembering.

A considerate

B sensitive

C reliable

D passive

解析:选D。D 考查形容词辨析。句意:听是一种积极的,而不是消极的行为,它涉及听、理解和记忆。passive被动的,消极的,与前面的active对应。considerate体贴的,体谅的;sensitive易受伤害的,易受影响的,敏感的;reliable可靠的,可信赖的。

15.One of the most effective ways to reduce ______ is to talk about feelings with someone you trust.

A production

B stress

C energy

D power

解析:选B。B 考查名词辨析。句意:减少压力最有效的方法之一就是与信任的人谈谈你的感受。stress压力,紧张,符合语境。production生产,制作,产品;energy精力,活力,干劲;power权力,势力,影响力。

16.If steel is heavier than water, why are ships able to ______ on the sea?

A float

B drown

C shrink

D split

解析:选A。A 考查动词辨析。句意:如果钢比水重的话,那为什么轮船能够浮在海上? float漂浮,符合语境。drown淹没,(使)溺死;shrink收缩,退缩;split (使)裂开,(使)破裂。

17.These comments came ______ specific questions often asked by local newsmen.

A in memory of

B in response to

C in touch with

D in possession of

解析:选B。B 考查介词短语辨析。句意:这些解释是对当地记者经常询问的特定问题的回应。in response to作为对……的回答,作为对……的反应,符合语境。in memory of作为对……的纪念;in touch with同……有联系;in possession of拥有,持有。

18.Listening to music at home is one thing, going to hear it _______ live is quite another.

A perform

B performing

C to perform

D being performed

解析:选D。D 考查非谓语动词。句意:在家听音乐是一回事,去现场听音乐演奏是另外一回事。hear...doing...听到……正在做……,此处it与动词perform之间为动宾关系,故要用现在分词的被动形式作宾语补足语。

19.Creating an atmosphere _______ employees feel part of a team is a big challenge.

A as

B whose

C in which

D at which

解析:选C。C 句意:创造一种使员工感到自己是团队一部分的氛围是一大挑战。考查定语从句引导词。先行词为an atmosphere,在从句中作地点状语,故要用where来引导,此处的where相当于in which。

20.—Why don't you consider a trip to, say, Beijing or Hangzhou? —________.

A I wouldn't mind that

B Then we'll get there quickly

C Let's call it a day

D It's not a requirement

解析:选A。A 考查交际用语。句意:——你为什么不考虑去进行一次旅行呢,比如说,北京或杭州?——我愿意。I wouldn't mind that.我愿意,我不介意这么做,符合语境。Then we'll get there quickly那么我赶快去那里;Let's call it a day我们今天就到这儿吧;It's not a requirement.这不是要求。