
When Alice was sixteen, I was the one who wanted to run away from home. It was  16  to see the changes coming over her. She skipped school, and refused to communicate. I tried being firm, but it didn't  17 .I saw a dark future for my once sweet daughter.

One school day Alice returned home very late. With a quarrel in view, I was surprised to see Alice was  18 .

“I hope I did the right thing, Mom,” Alice said. “I saw a cat,all bloody but alive. I 19 it to the vet's(宠物医院), and was asked to make payment 20 . As I couldn't reach anyone at the phone number on the cat's tag(标牌), I had to pay the bill.”

In the following days, the owner still couldn't be 21 . Alice paid the vet to continue treatment. I grew 22 : what if the family had simply left the cat behind?

A week went by. A woman called to speak to Alice.

“She is at school,” I said.

“You have a 23 daughter,” she said, apparently in tears.

Her family had just returned from abroad, and got a (n) 24 from the vet. Their cat was recovering, thanks to Alice's 25 . “We can't wait to hug Cuddles again,” she sobbed.

Upon her return home, Alice was filled with 26 at the news. So was I. I learned through another woman's eyes that my daughter was still a good person despite her 27 teenage years. Her warm heart would surely guide her in the right direction.


A pleasant

B painful

C unwise

D inspiring

解析:选B。B 考查形容词词义辨析。根据下文女儿逃学,拒绝交流等的变化可知,看到这样的变化应该是“痛苦的”。


A remain

B match

C appear

D work

解析:选D。D 考查动词词义辨析。根据句意:我尝试严格点,但不起作用。work 起作用,有效果。


A annoyed

B amused

C worried

D interested

解析:选C。C 考查形容词词义辨析。因为观点不一致而发生争吵,我很惊讶的发现她很担心。指下文救小猫的事。


A carried

B followed

C returned

D guided

解析:选A。A 考查动词短语辨析。根据语境可知,Alice 把小猫带进了宠物医院。A.携带;B.跟随;C.归还;D.引导;指导。根据搭配选A。


A monthly

B honestly

C generously

D immediately

解析:选D。D 考查副词词义辨析。根据下面的I had to pay the bill 可知当时就付款了。monthly每月地;honestly诚实地;generously大方地;immediately马上。


A trusted

B contacted

C persuaded

D satisfied

解析:选B。B 考查动词词义辨析。根据后面的“Alice paid the vet to continue treatment.”可知,仍旧没有联系到主人。


A active

B rude

C anxious

D proud

解析:选C。C 考查形容词辨析。A active 积极的; B rude粗鲁的; C anxious焦虑的; D proud骄傲的;根据Alice paid the vet to continue treatment 继续支付治疗费用可知我变得焦虑起来,故选C项。


A pretty

B grateful

C wonderful

D curious

解析:选C。C 考查形容词辨析。A pretty漂亮的话; B grateful感激的; C wonderful 好的;D curious 好奇的;根据女儿所做的这些善良的举动可知你有个好女儿,故选C项。


A apology

B invitation

C message

D reply

解析:选C。C 考查名词辨析。A apology道歉; B invitation 邀请; C message 信息;D reply回应; 句意:他的家人刚从国外回来,得到宠物医院给的消息,可知选C项。


A suggestion

B donation

C encouragement

D help

解析:选D。D 考查名词辨析。A suggestion建议; B donation捐献物; C encouragement 鼓励; D help 帮助;根据猫痊愈了,是因为女儿的帮助,故选D项。


A love

B anger

C regret

D joy

解析:选D。D 考查名词词义辨析。love“爱”,anger“愤怒”,regret“后悔”,joy“开心”。这一句讲的是,Alice在得知猫咪回到它的主人身边后的反应,因此可以得知选D。


A troubled

B long

C boring

D quiet

解析:选A。A 考查形容词词义辨析。trouble“不安的,烦恼的”,long“漫长的”,boring“无聊的”,quiet“安静的”。由上下文可知,作者这里是要描述Alice的青春期的状态,从文章第一段可得知,答案选A。