

The US has declared that it will not allow mobile phones - especially iPhones and Samsung’s Galaxy - onto US bound planes from some airports in Europe, the Middle East and Africa if the devices are not charged.

The new measure is part of the US Transportation Security Administration’s effort to boost security observation resulting from concerns that terrorists are plotting to blow up an airliner. It is likely to cause chaos at airports around the globe.  

As part of the increased examination at certain airports, security agents may ask travelers to turn on their electronic devices at checkpoints and if they do not have power, the devices will not be allowed on planes, the TSA said.

US officials are concerned that a cellphone, tablet, laptop or other electronic device could be used as a bomb by Yemen-based al Qaeda in the Arabian Peninsula and the Islamist Nusra Front, al Qaeda’s affiliate in Syria. They fear bomb-makers from the Yemen-based al Qaeda have figured out how to turn the phones into explosive devices that can avoid detection. They also are concerned that hard-to-detect bombs could be built into shoes.

A TSA statement said: “As the traveling public knows, all electronic devices are screened by security officers. Powerless devices will not be permitted onboard the aircraft. The traveler may also undergo additional screening.” Airlines or airport operators that fail to strengthen security could face bans on flights entering the United States, the officials said.

An official familiar with the matter said the United States believes that while it is possible there may be some additional delays at security checkpoints, at most major airports passengers will not be seriously inconvenienced.

In his weekly radio phone-in programme, Deputy Prime Minister Nick Clegg warned last week that travelers may have to get used to the extra checks. “I don’t think we should expect this to be a one-off temporary thing,” he said. “We have to make sure the checks are there to meet the nature of the new kinds of threats.” 


1.What is the Transportation Security Administration’s concern?

A Terrorists are plotting to make an attack in the US.

B Terrorists are going to make bombs on the airplane.

C Terrorists are planning secretly to blow up an airplane.

D Terrorists are traveling to the US with powerless phones.

解析:选C。细节理解题。根据文章第二段…concerns resulting from concerns that terrorists are plotting to blow up an airliner可知,美国交通安全局担心基地组织的恐怖分子正在密谋炸毁前晚美国的航班。

2.Why are powerless mobile phones not allowed on planes going to the US?

A They can’t make phone calls.

B They might be explosive devices.

C They can’t be detected at the airport.

D They can be put into the shoes.


3.What do the TSA officials fear?

A Some operators at the airports fail to carry out the phone checks.

B The extra phone checks will cause inconvenience of the travelers.

C Terrorists are able to turn shoes into bombs that can not be detected.

D Terrorists have the technology to turn phones into undetectable bombs.

解析:选D。细节理解题。根据文章第四段They fear … al Qaeda have figured out how to turn the phones into explosive devices that can avoid detection可知,美国方面担心,基地组织的恐怖分子已经掌握了将手机改装为难以探测的爆炸装置的技术。

4.What can we infer from the passage?

A The phone checks at the airports will soon be over.

B The phone checks will become a rule for safety concerns.

C Passengers will have to learn the nature of new threats.

D Travelers are willing to have their phones checked.

解析:选B。推理判断题。根据文章最后一段I don’t think we should expect this to be a one-off temporary thing可以判断,机场对手机的检查不是暂时的,而是会成为长期执行的安全规定。

5.Why does the author write this passage?

A He wants to tell the readers the TSA’s new security measure.

B He wants to remind the readers of charging their phones before taking a flight.

C He intends to introduce the technology to change a phone into a bomb.

D He attempts to call for people to fight against the terrorists.
