

Berlin--The German government have summoned the US ambassador in Berlin after a man was arrested on suspicion of spying. The US diplomat “was asked to help in the immediate interpretation” of the case, the foreign ministry said. German officials confirmed the arrest but released no other details.

US-German ties were tight after accusations last year that the US National Security Agency bugged Chancellor Angela Merkel’s phone as part of a huge surveillance programme. The scale of the agency’s global spy programme was uncovered in documents leaked by a former intelligence contractor, Edward Snowden. The disclosure also raised feeling in Germany against American surveillance.

The BBC’s Steve Evans in Berlin says the new charge for American spying on an ally may make it harder for the US to get German help in its efforts to oppose Russian activity in Ukraine, and also to control Iranian nuclear ambitions.

German media say the man arrested this week is a 31-year-old employee of the federal intelligence service, the BND or Bundesnachrichtendienst.

A spokesman for Ms Merkel said she had been informed of the arrest, as had the members of the nine-strong parliamentary committee investigating the activities of foreign intelligence agencies in Germany. “The matter is serious, it is clear,” spokesman Steffen Seibert told the Frankfurter Allgemeine newspaper.

Der Spiegel news magazine said the man was believed to have passed secret documents to a US contact in exchange for money. However, one unnamed politician told Reuters news agency the suspect had offered his services to the US voluntarily. “This was a man who had no direct contact with the investigative committee... He was not a top agent,” the source said.

The committee co-chair, Social Democrat MP Christian Flisek, said if the suspicion of a targeted attack on a German constitutional body was confirmed “that would set the level of trust back to zero and result in political consequences,” the Wall Street Journal reported.


1.Why did the German government summon the US ambassador?

A US National Security Agency bugged Ms Merkel’s phone.

B The US global spy programme was leaked by Edward Snowden.

C An employee of the federal intelligence service was arrested.

D The US wanted German help to oppose Russian activity in Ukraine.


2.What will be the effect of the new accusation of American spying on Germany?

A Germany will refuse to help the US to control Iranian nuclear ambitions.

B There will be a trust crisis between Germany and the US.

C The foreign intelligence agencies in Germany will be investigated.

D More German people become aware of American surveillance.

解析:选B。细节理解题。根据文章第二段,并结合最后一段的that would set the level of trust back to zero可知,此次为美国雇佣的间谍被捕后,将进一步恶化德美之间的信任危机。

3.What can be inferred from the passage?

A The US needs Germany’s support in international affairs.

B Germany will no longer believe in the US because of its surveillance.

C The US government pays a lot of money for the secret documents.

D Iran is believed to have made nuclear weapons.

解析:选A。推理判断题。根据文章第三段…for the US to get German help in its efforts to …, and also to…可以判断,美国在一些国家事务方面需要德国的支持。

4.How many press agencies were mentioned in the passage?

A Four.

B Three.

C Two.

D Five.

解析:选D。细节理解题。根据报道可知,至少有五家新闻媒体关注了德国间谍事件,即BBC,Frankfurter Allgemeine (《法兰克福汇报》),Der Spiegel(《明镜》),Reuters(路透社)以及the Wall Street Journal(《华尔街日报》)。

5.What’s the author’s attitude toward the spying incident according to the passage?

A Curious.

B Angry.

C Worried.

D Doubtful.

解析:选C。推理判断题。根据文章最后一段if the suspicion of a targeted attack on a German constitutional body was confirmed “that would set the level of trust back to zero and result in political consequences,”可以判断,作者对此次事件表示担忧,认为此次事件将使德美之间的信任归零,并会导致(难以预料的)政治后果。