

A polar bear pulled a man out of his sleeping bag when he was sleeping. The man is in Norway to see the solar eclipse. "It was going for my head. I used my hands to protect my head," said Jakub Moravec.

Mr Moravec said he tried to stop the animal’s mouth before another of the group took out a gun and saved his life. "Now I am fine. I have some scratches in the face, on one arm and on the back. But I feel fine," 

The man was in a group of six. Another of the group, Zuzana Hakova, said her mother had shot at the bear three times. They took Moravec to hospital. And he said he hoped to be out of hospital in time for Friday morning’s eclipse.

Police later hunted the bear down and killed it.


1.What was the man doing when the polar bear pulled him?

A He was reading a book.

B He was making a phone call.

C He was taking photos.

D He was sleeping.

解析:选D。D细节理解题。根据第1段第1句A polar bear pulled a man out of his sleeping bag when he was sleeping.可知,故选D。

2.When the moon stops people on the earth from seeing the sun, we call it_____.

A solar eclipse

B lunar eclipse

C earthquake

D flood


3.Which part of Mr Moravec is all right in fighting with the bear?

A His face.

B His left leg.

C His arm.

D His back.

解析:选B。B细节理解题。根据第2段I have some scratches in the face, on one arm and on the back.可知,腿上没有受伤,故选B。

4.What is the best time to watch the solar eclipse?

A On the night of Friday.

B On Thursday evening.

C At noon of Friday.

D On the morning of Friday.

解析:选D。D 推理判断题。根据第3段最后一句And he said he hoped to be out of hospital in time for Friday morning’s eclipse.他希望能赶上观看星期五早上的日食,可推知,观看日食最佳时间是星期五早上,故选D。

5.At least______members of the group are families.

A two.

B three.

C four.

D five.

解析:选A。A 判断推理题。根据第3段第2句Another of the group, Zuzana Hakova, said her mother had…可知小组里面至少(at least)有两个人是家人的关系,故选A。