

A new study claims naughty schoolchildren may have what’s been called the “CEO gene” which makes them more likely to head up a major company in the future. 

Scientists say that a particular gene sequence associated with “mild” rule breaking in children is the same one that leads to leadership qualities found in successful ambitious chief executives. However, it depends on a child’s home environment, because bad behavior in the classroom can also lead to a withdrawn personality that’s not good for business, the study warns.

Psychologists from Kansas State University analyzed health data covering 13,000 adults and discovered the influence of DAT1, which transports the chemical dopamine to the brain. Dopamine is a neurotransmitter(神经递质) that helps control the brain’s responses to reward and pleasure. They found that in children, DAT1 leads to “mild” bad behavior such as playing truant, but not serious bad behavior such as violent crime. However, they also discovered it provides positive leadership qualities in adults who often went on to become the heads of companies or lead divisions within a company.

Psychological sciences assistant professor, Wendong Li, explained: “Mild rule-breaking is actually positively offering you the chance of becoming leader in adulthood. These kinds of behaviors can provide you with an advantage because they allow adolescents to explore boundaries and learn something new.” But the gene sequence can also lead to irregular, non-consistent and sometimes selfish behavior which is not good for leadership. “People with DAT1 were less likely to regulate their own behaviors to make a positive change,” Professor Li added.

Different outcomes may be influenced by the environment children grow up in, at home and at school, according to the study. “It’s like a mixed blessing - this gene can have both positive and negative effects on leadership. If the naughty children have supportive parents and the ability to work with others, then they are more likely to go on to become leaders.”


1.Children who often break rules mildly are believed ________.

A to have bad behaviors when they grow into adults

B to have big dreams all the time through their lives

C to have the qualities of successful business leaders

D to have the personality of keeping quiet in life

解析:选C。C 细节理解题。根据文章第2段…a particular gene sequence associated with “mild” rule breaking in children is the same one that leads to leadership qualities found in successful ambitious chief executives可知,如果孩子有点淘气,其基因中有一种特殊的基因序列,这与优秀的有志向的公司领导人的基因序列是相同的,因此,这样的孩子将来有可能成为优秀的商业行业的领导人。

2.What is the importance of DAT1?

A It prevents one from going to school.

B It leads one to commit violent crimes.

C It produces dopamine useful to the brain.

D It helps one become head of a company.

解析:选D。D 细节理解题。根据文章第3段they also discovered it provides positive leadership qualities in adults who often went on to become the heads of companies or lead divisions within a company可知,DAT1给成年人提供了成为公司领导人的特质,故选D。

3.What can we infer from the passage?

A One with the particular gene sequence often behaves amazingly.

B One with the particular gene sequence likes traveling abroad.

C One with DAT1 always cares about others instead of himself.

D One with DAT1 is always enthusiastic about what he is doing.

解析:选A。A 推理判断题。根据文章第4段allow adolescents to explore boundaries…also lead to irregular, non-consistent and sometimes selfish behavior可知,携带特殊基因序列的人具有超越极限的能力,常常前后不一,做事不按常人思维,由此判断,他们的举动常常是令人惊讶的。

4.According to the discovery of researchers, parents of naughty children should consider their kids to be ___________.

A intelligent

B promising

C hopeless

D troublesome

解析:选B。B 推理判断题。leadership qualities, successful ambitious…, positive等词汇可以判断,当孩子们有点淘气的时候,不要着急,他们将来会有所成就的,故选B。