

Sixty years after the great scientist's death, slices of Einstein's brain remain on display at only one location open to the public. The Mutter Museum in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, USA, is the only place in the world where people can view Einstein's grey matter.

When Einstein died at Princeton Hospital in New Jersey on April 18,1955 the pathologist, Thomas Harvey, is believed to have taken Einstein’s brain, without permission, and sliced it up. Einstein told his biographer he wanted to be cremated so people don’t come worship at my bones. But after a private ceremony, where the scientist's ashes were scattered into the Delaware River, it was revealed that his brain and eyes were not included.

Harvey was believed to have firstly taken Einstein’s brain to the University of Pennsylvania where slides of the scientist's brain were created and sent to well-known neuropathologists(神经病理学家).

In November 2011, the Mutter Museum, which contains some of America's most fascinating medical exhibits, received a call about obtaining one of the boxes Harvey created. The 46 microscope slides, each containing slices of the brain, are still on display today, among 20,000 other items that the museum possesses.

Anna Dhody, the curator of The Mutter Museum and Director of the Mutter Institute, said: “These slides are the only physical pieces of Albert Einstein on permanent display to the public. Einstein's brain continues to fascinate and stir debate about the nature of genius.”


1.The underlined “grey matter” may refer to _______.

A slices of Einstein's brain

B the Mutter Museum

C the books of Einstein

D the ashes of Einstein

解析:选A。A。词意推测提。根据文章第1段第1句的slices of Einstein's brain可以得知爱心斯坦大脑的部分切片被保留下来了。

2.Why did Einstein wanted to be cremated?

A Because he asked for the permission.

B Because he wanted to live in museum.

C Because he needed to have picture taken.

D Because he didn’t want to be worshipped.

解析:选D。D。推理判断题。根据第2段第2句的he wanted to be cremated so people don’t come worship at my bones可以推知他不想让人崇拜他。

3.Where did Harvey put Einstein’s brain at the beginning?

A In the Delaware River.

B In the University of Pennsylvania.

C In the Mutter Museum.

D In the Mutter Institute.

解析:选B。B。细节理解题。根据第3段的the University of Pennsylvania where slides of the scientist's brain were created可以得知他的大脑先放在了宾夕法尼亚大学。

4.The fourth paragraph mainly tells us ______.

A how the Mutter Museum kept Einstein's brain

B what the Mutter Museum should get again

C why the Mutter Museum kept medical exhibits

D which is the best way of keeping the slices


5.What Anna Dhody said meant ______.

A many people are interested in Einstein's brain

B Albert Einstein’s brain wouldn’t be on display

C physical pieces were lost because of carelessness

D the nature of genius should always be forgotten

解析:选A。A。推理判断题。根据文章最后1段最后1句的Einstein's brain continues to fascinate and stir debate about the nature of genius可以推知很多人对天才的爱因斯坦很感兴趣,尤其是他的大脑。