

Schools are going to fine parents £60 if pupils are repeatedly late for registration. The fine will double if it is not paid within 21 days, and parents who refuse to pay could be charged and even jailed. One district has started late-gate officers to ask slow-moving parents why their children are arriving late. 

But parents’ groups criticized the move yesterday, and said the fines would eventually punish the children, not their parents. Margaret Morrissey, from a campaign group said: “For some families, the money they will be fined will be very important to them and it will be the children who lose out.” 

To follow the new rule, thousands of schools are targeting children who regularly miss registration. Nearly 500 primary and secondary schools in Hampshire have written to parents warning them that from September, parents will be fined if their children are late for school more than ten times in a term.

In Islington, North London, parents could be fined if their child misses registration 12 times in a six-week period. "Poor punctuality could ‘affect everyone’s learning’ and cause ‘social disruption’, "the council said. Government guidance allows school registers to stay open for 30 minutes after the start of the school day, but schools can close them immediately after they are over.

One parent who was questioned by a council officer when her child was late, said: “Mornings get busy. I could get up at 4:30 am but still be late because right before we leave one of the kids will need the toilet.”

Anne Jones, Southend’s councilor for children and learning, said: “We do not want to charge parents but we do want children to be in school and there comes a time when we have no further choices.”


1.In what case will parents be charged or even jailed?

A If their children are late for school over10 times.

B If they don’t pay the fine within 21 days.

C If they refuse to pay the fine.

D If their children are late for school over 12 times.

解析:选C。C 细节理解题。根据文章第1段… parents who refuse to pay could be charged and even jailed可知,那些拒绝支付罚金的家长将遭到起诉甚至监禁。

2.What can we infer from the passage?

A The fine is too much as some families are poor.

B Some parents will refuse to pay the fine.

C Some children will have to pay the fine themselves.

D The move receives criticism rather than support.

解析:选D。D 推理判断题。根据文章第2段可知,一些社会组织反对这一新的规定,认为这么做会剥夺一些孩子的未来。由此判断,这个举动是存在争议的。

3.What is the effect of arriving late at school?

A It affects everyone’s learning and leads to social disruption.

B Parents will get up early and become very busy.

C Children will be stopped from entering the school.

D The child might lose out for their future.

解析:选A。A 细节理解题。根据文章第4段Poor punctuality could ‘affect everyone’s learning’ and cause ‘social disruption’可知,不按时到校会影响大家的学习,会引起社会混乱。

4.What causes the children to be late?

A They are very busy in the morning.

B The school registers close before they arrive.

C They are slowed down by others in the family.

D It takes a long time to use the toilet.

解析:选C。C 细节理解题。根据文章第5段but still be late because right before we leave one of the kids will need the toilet可知,学生的迟到常常是由于家人耽误的,家长在送孩子上学时正好其他的孩子有事。

5.What is mainly talked about in the passage?

A Arriving at school late is a serious problem.

B Parents will be fined if their children are often late for school.

C Parents will be asked why their children arrive late at school.

D Many people do not think fining parents a good thing.

解析:选B。B 主旨大意题。通读全文可知,本文的主要内容是:英国一些社区将推出一项严肃学校纪律的做法,即孩子如果经常迟到,家长将遭到罚款惩处。