

You are about to enter the Louvre(卢浮宫) in Paris, the world’s largest and most-visited museum, drawing nearly 10 million people each year. It is a museum about education, with the main job to protect and pass on our heritage(遗产) to future people.

To help you make the most of your visit, while respecting the collections and other visitors, we invite you to discover what the Louvre is all about and how you can help us protect the collections.

The palace and the museum

At first, the Louvre was one of the main places where French kings lived for a long time. It became a museum in 1793, and now exhibits over 73,000 sq. m of Western artworks from the Middle Ages to 1848. About 35,000 artworks are on display, the oldest of which dates back over seven thousand years.

The museum collections are grouped into eight departments based on the countries and regions, such as Egyptian, Greek, Roman...

To find out more, you can do the following:

Read the letter from the director of the museum, Jean-Luc Martinez.

Learn the history of the Louvre: from 1190 to the present day, the Louvre has enjoyed a rich and eventful(充满大事的) history.

Search the museum collections on our website.


1.How many people visit Louvre every year?

A Nearly 10,000,000.

B Nearly 1,000,000.

C Over 10,000,000.

D Less than 1,000,000.

解析:选A。A 细节理解题。根据第一段第一句drawing nearly 10 million people each year可知卢浮宫每年吸引近一千万人,故选A。

2.What’s the most important task of Louvre?

A To display collections.

B To make lots of money.

C To protect and pass on heritage.

D To show the greatness of artists.

解析:选C。C 细节理解题。根据第一段第二句with the main job to protect and pass on our heritage(遗产) to future people可知卢浮宫的主要任务是保护和传承遗产给后人,故选C。

3.When did the Louvre start to be a museum?

A In 1792.

B In 1848.

C In 1793.

D In 1190.

解析:选C。C 细节理解题。根据第三段第二句It became a museum in 1793可知卢浮宫在1793年开始成为博物馆,故选C。

4.We can know more about Louvre through __________ according to the passage.

A other visitors

B the Internet

C its artworks

D the newspaper

解析:选B。B 细节理解题。根据文章最后一句Search the museum collections on our website.可知我们可以通过卢浮宫的网站了解更多相关信息,故选B。

5.Which of the following is TRUE about the Louvre according to the passage?

A It is located in London, England.

B It was a prison for French kings.

C Jean-Luc Martinez is the director of it.

D The oldest artwork in it is 70,000 years old.

解析:选C。C 细节理解题。根据文章最后Read the letter from the director of the museum, Jean-Luc Martinez.可知Jean-Luc Martinez是博物馆的馆长,故选C。