

Taking a gap year is good for the students and doesn't weaken their chances of success. A study shows a year off to travel reduces their levels of stress, compared to those who go straight into university life after school - although the latter are more confident about achieving their dreams.

The study showed those who begin their further education directly after sixth do better in their studies and realize their goals. They also believe in themselves more. However, on the other hand they find studying and aiming for their ambitious more stressful than the students who take a gap year.

Professor Katariina Salmela-Aro said: “The demanding university admission tests take place close to the matriculation examination in Finland and require diligent studying from students. For many a gap year offers an opportunity to take a break and think about future choices while developing a positive view of the future.” This period from secondary education to further studies is an important time for the development of young people when young people think over important future choices regarding educational directions and career goals.

So researchers followed young people in Finland for several years. Prof Salmela-Aro said: “Our research finds a gap year between secondary education and further studies is not harmful - especially if the young person only takes one year off. When these young people are compared with those who continue their studies directly after secondary school those who take a gap year quickly catch up with the others in terms of study motivation and the effort they put into their studies.”

But if young people take more than one gap year they may have more difficulties coping with the studies. Prof Salmela-Aro said: “In the transition phase many young people are left quite alone which may make the transition to a new study phase quite challenging. The research results also suggest students who take a gap year are more likely to drop out of university later on than those who transfer to university directly after upper secondary school.”


1.According to the article, if a student takes a gap year, he will feel less ______.

A interested

B satisfied

C confused

D depressed

解析:选D。D。推理判断题。根据文章第1段第2句的A study shows a year off to travel reduces their levels of stress可以得知上大学前休息一年能够让学生感觉到压力更小。

2.What will happen to those who go to university directly?

A They can do worse in their study.

B They may gain much confidence.

C They are going to set up more aims.

D They couldn’t realize their dream.

解析:选B。B。推理判断题。根据第2段第2句的They also believe in themselves more可知他们更加自信了。

3.If the students in Finland want to pass the matriculation examination, they should ______.

A have a positive view of the future

B own a gap year to have a good rest

C enjoy the beautiful scenery outside

D work hard as possible as they could

解析:选D。D。细节理解题。根据第3段第1句的The demanding university admission tests take place close to the matriculation examination in Finland and require diligent studying from students可知那里的学生需要勤奋,因此在参加大学入学考试前他们要努力学习。

4.What did Prof Salmela-Aro think of the gap year?

A it is harmful

B it is beneficial

C it is unnecessary

D it is funny

解析:选B。B。推理判断题。根据第4段第3句的those who continue their studies directly after secondary school those who take a gap year quickly catch up with the others可以得知休学后学生能很快追赶上其他人,因此休学也是很好的。

5.Why did Prof Salmela-Aro suggest not having a too long gap?

A Because they may not graduate from the university.

B Because they can not face challenges by themselves.

C Because they will not return to the secondary school.

D Because they shouldn’t have any difficulty in learning.

解析:选A。A。细节理解题。根据文章最后一段最后一句的who take a gap year are more likely to drop out of university later on可知休息超过一年的学生容易辍学,因此不能正常毕业。