

When the Mirabals twins went into the operating room at 5 a.m., their parents didn't know if they would be getting both baby boys back. 

Connor and Carter were twins, but some parts of their bodies were together. Before the operation, their parents and some nurses kissed them for good luck. It took 12 hours and a team of more than a dozen doctors and nurses from several hospitals to separate them, and they made it. 

When the news came, the waiting room full of friends and family were excited into tears. 

Dr Robie said the boys spent their first five months of life in the hospital, and that Connor would sleep with his right arm above Carter's head. Now, they're back in different rooms, they'll stay in the rooms for about one month. "Sooner or later, they'd hear one another and know they're not that far apart, "Robie said.

"This will be a nice story for them. They'll just hear stories from their parents and grandmas about what happened when they came to this world." Robie said. 


1. What’s wrong with the twins?

A They had cancers.

B A car hit them.

C They fell from a car.

D Some parts of them were together.

解析:选D。D 细节理解题。根据第2段第1句Connor and Carter were twins, but some parts of their bodies were together.可知,故选D。

2. How long did the operation last?

A 24 hours.

B 12 hours.

C 5 hours.

D 4 hours.

解析:选B。B细节理解题。根据第2段第3句It took 12 hours and…可知,故选B。

3.Why were friends and family full of tears?

A Because of the twins didn’t come back.

B Because both the twins were dead.

C Because the operation was successful.

D Because they were worried and sad.

解析:选C。C 推理判断题。因为双胞胎的分离手术成功了,所以家人和朋友们都流下了欣喜的泪水,故选C。

4.In the first five months, the twins_____.

A slept in the same room but different beds.

B slept in different rooms

C slept in the same room and bed

D one slept with a leg on the other’s head

解析:选C。C 推理判断题。手术前他们是连体双胞胎,所以只能睡在一起,故选C。

5.Which is RIGHT according to the passage?

A The twins’ parents didn’t kiss them before the operation.

B All the doctors were from the same hospital.

C The operation began in the morning and finished in the evening.

D The twins will never know some parts of their bodies were together.

解析:选C。C 细节理解题。根据文章第1段和第2段内容可知早上5点开始手术,持续了12个小时,所以应是持续到了傍晚,故选C。