
Discussions of studying abroad are often mixed with stories of learning more and beautiful scenery and a taste of foreign food. Studying abroad does offer a wide variety of benefits. It can bridge cultural gaps, promise great personal development for students and be an incredible learning opportunity. Still, the risks involved with studying abroad should inform the commonly stated benefits in order for students to make sound academic, as well as personal, decisions.

Students often spend more money than they intend to while abroad. Banks often charge international fees for every abroad charge, students tend to pressure one another to eat out, and almost every sightseeing opportunity involves transit fees at the very least.

Additionally, the semester abroad may setting students off track academically. The adjustment to a different grading scale is challenging enough without the constant pressure to travel every weekend and go out every night. It is impossible to know the right balance between studying in the same way one would at home and making the best of one’s abroad experience.

The path to international independence is not easy, and it is ridden with loneliness. While one can find friendly people almost anywhere, language and cultural barriers can reduce connection. Cultures often confuse one another. In other words, the study abroad experience could give its participants a sense of liminality — but this liminality should be experienced in a conscious way.

Study abroad can be a valuable experience for students, but more should be done to prepare students for the kind of risks and pressures they can face. Educational efforts by study abroad offices should not shy away from controversial topics and aspects of studying abroad like loneliness, financial pressures and culture shock. It is important for students to understand what studying abroad can be. Studying abroad is valuable, but students should understand from the outset what they’re getting into.


1.What is the best title of the passage?

A Studying abroad is more complex than often portrayed.

B Discussions of studying needs paying special attention.

C Beautiful scenery and foreign food attract more students.

D Personal development is related with learning opportunity.


2.What caused the students abroad learn less efficiently?

A What caused the students abroad learn less efficiently?

B What caused the students abroad learn less efficiently?

C The change of the grading scale.

D The constant pressure to travel very weekend.

解析:选C。C。细节理解题。根据文章第3段第2句的The adjustment to a different grading scale is challenging enough可知是考试制度的变更会让学生的学习效率低下。

3.The underlined word “liminality” in the fourth paragraph may mean _______.

A challenge

B connection

C barrier

D independence

解析:选C。C。词意猜测题。根据第4段第2句的While one can find friendly people almost anywhere, language and cultural barriers可知作者提到了文化的“隔阂”;另外该句中的in other words也是对上句的解释,据此可以推知liminality的就是指“隔阂”。

4.What is the writer’s suggestion of studying abroad?

A The students must suffer from the problem of loneliness.

B The students should get well prepared for before starting.

C The students should make best use of their own culture.

D The student should get support from international bank.

解析:选B。B。 推理判断题。根据第5段第1句的but more should be done to prepare students for the kind of risks and pressures they can face可知学生在出国前要做好准备。

5.How is the text organized?

A Topic---argument----description

B Opinion—discussion---explanation

C Main idea---comparison--- supporting examples

D Topic ----argument----conclusion

解析:选D。D。文章一开始就提出本文要讲的中心, 然后进行论述, 最后得出结论。由此,我们不难得出答案是D。