
Of the world's nearly 9,900 bird species, 13 percent - one in eight - are threatened with extinction(消灭), according to BirdLife International. Among them are two Hawaiian honeycreepers - tiny birds that live in the forest , survive on nectar(花蜜) from tropical flowers. Scientists at the San Diego Zoo report they have managed to hatch half a dozen of their chicks, raising hopes that the birds will fly back from the edge of extinction.

Akikiki and Akeke'e, two species of honeycreepers, make their nests high in the trees of dense rainforests on the Hawaiian island of Kaua’i.

Losing them would mean losing a special part of Hawaii, said Bryce Masuda, Program Manager of the Hawaii Endangered Bird Conservation Program.

“Akikiki and Akeke'e are found only on the Island of Kaua’i and could become extinct in a few years without an intensive conservation intervention(介入),” said Masuda.

Members of the Kaua‘Hawaii Forest Bird Recovery Project found several eggs from both species after a long search. They were carefully collected, and transported by helicopter to a conservation facility, where they were placed in an incubator(孵卵器).

So far, six chicks have hatched and are doing well. Masuda said this is the best way for recovering the population of endangered birds.

“By bringing Akikiki and Akeke'e into captivity for breeding purposes, we would be able to prevent these two species from going extinct and we would be able to support their long-term recovery by eventually releasing captive-reared individuals back into the wild again,” he said.

Scientists plan to continue with the program throughout the breeding season. The same method was successfully used by the Hawaii Endangered Bird Conservation Program for increasing populations of other endangered birds on the islands.


1.What’s main idea of the last paragraph?

A The method of saving honeycreepers has been applied to protecting other species.

B The action of protecting the honeycreepers has been successful.

C Scientists plan to continue with the breeding of honeycreepers.

D The Hawaii Endangered Bird Conservation Program will increase honeycreepers.

解析:选A。A。主旨大意题。根据最后一段he same method was successfully used by the Hawaii Endangered Bird Conservation Program for increasing populations of other endangered birds on the islands.可知,科学家们在夏威夷用同样的方法还保护了其它的物种。

2.According to the Bird Life International, about_____bird species are endangered.

A 9900

B only two

C 13

D 1260


3.What does the underlined word probably mean?

A 囚禁

B 释放

C 恢复

D 喂养


4.Which of the following ensures us that the honeycreepers won’t go extinct?

A They can survive on nectar.

B They make their nests high in the trees.

C About six of their eggs hatched by scientists.

D They will fly back to the forest.

解析:选C。C。推理判断题。根据第2段 Scientists at the San Diego Zoo report they have managed to hatch half a dozen of their chicks, raising hopes that the birds will fly back from the edge of extinction.最近科学家成功孵化出6个(half a dozen)小鸟,这给科学家看到了振救夏威夷蜜鸟的希望。

5.What would happen to honeycreepers if scientists don’t help?

A Fly away from Hawaii.

B Disappear.

C Lose their eggs.

D Recover by themselves.
