高考对于中国人而言, 是一件很重要的事, 因为高考结果对考生的未来至关重要。因此, 部分考生挺而走险,在考试场上作弊。今年为了防止作弊发生,洛阳市甚至动用了无人飞机。
    Esther Okade来自英国的一个工业小镇,她是尼日利亚裔。她在数学方面有着惊人的天分,尽管没有在学校系统读书,但是妈妈在家中教她学会了代数和二次方程式,她取得了英国中学教育数学考试A级证书。年仅十岁的她已经被大学录取,成为英国最小的大学本科生之一。
   Your teenage son looks like a grown man. He’s inches taller than his father, and his voice has turned deep. But his behavior is another matter. He makes hasty decisions, drives cars too fast and tends to make his parents annoyed.   That’s because his brain is developing more slowly than the rest of his body. Researchers at the National Institute of Mental Health and UCLA conducted a decade-long study of normal brain development. They found that the frontal lobe, the area responsible for understanding future consequences, making wise decisions and controlling impulses(冲动), has not become mature (成熟的)until the early 20s.    Immature brains have fast-growing synapses(突触) and sections that remain unconnected. As a result, they’re easily influenced by the environment and susceptible to unexpected behavior.    This may explain the puzzling contradiction of adolescence. Teens are at their physical prime. Yet their death rates rise sharply. Study shows that rates of death by injury for people between the ages of 15 and 19 are six times those seen in kids ages 10 to 14. The Insurance Institute for Highway Safety reports that teens are four times more likely than older drivers to be involved in a car crash and three times more likely to die in one.    Adolescents also are more susceptible to the effects of drugs and alcohol. Rates of drug and alcohol abuse are high when compared with other age groups. Frances Jensen and David Urion, doctors at Children’s Hospital Boston and Harvard Medical School, discovered that adult brain cells recovered more quickly from alcohol exposure than younger brain cells. Jensen said in Harvard Magazine: “For a teenager, what he drank on the weekend is still with him during that test on Thursday.”    The implications for parents are clear. Teens aren’t making trouble on purpose. They desire independence, but they are still tender. They’re still forming into the adults they’ll eventually be. And, of course, they won’t be this age forever. Finally, they will grow up and become rational and wise adults.
     Forget humane removal. Scientists studying the giant Burmese pythons(蟒蛇) that invaded Florida have discovered the snakes can find their way home even when taken up to 20 miles away.    The snakes homing ability is "previously undocumented for any snake species," said Shannon Pittman, a scientist at Davidson College in Davidson, N.C.   Researchers at Davidson and the U.S. Geological Survey caught six Burmese pythons in Florida and placed radio transmitters(发射器) in them. They then took them 13 to 20 miles away and released them. The snakes immediately headed back, taking "direct and striking" routes, instead of moving randomly across the wetlands, said Kristen Hart, a research ecologist with the USGS in Gainesville, Fla. It took the snakes 94 to 296 days to return but eventually they navigated to within 3 miles of their original capture locations in Everglades National Park. No one knew Burmese pythons were capable of homing. Researchers don't know how the snakes do it. It could be by sight or smell or even the Earth's magnetic field.   The research shows that moving the snakes won't work as a control strategy. "You can't move them. Quite honestly, they're going to move back to where they came from," Hart said.  Burmese pythons are one of the world's largest snakes. They are hard to spot in the grass even when tracked with transmitters. Native to southern Asia, the snakes began to appear in south Florida in the late 1990s, probably released by pet owners. They have since colonized hundreds of square miles in southern Florida, including most of Everglades National Park and Big Cypress National Preserve.   While more than 2,000 Burmese pythons have been removed from the area since 2002, the National Park Service estimates that represents only a small part of the total population. "There are records of snakes up nearly to Lake Okeechobee," said Michael Dorcas, a biology professor at Davidson College. "Most scientists agree that they are likely well north of Alligator Alley now."   The snakes are devastating invaders, eating a wide variety of animals including deer and even crocodiles. "They're eating through the food chain," Hart said.