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文章发布:奇速英语 发布时间:Mar 29, 2025 3:49:15 PM      访问量:85


1. a piece of cake:小菜一碟。例句:The math test was a piece of cake for him because he had studied hard.(这次数学测试对他来说是小菜一碟,因为他学习很努力。)

2. at the end of the day:最终,说到底。例句:At the end of the day, it's your effort that determines your success.(最终,决定你成功的是你的努力。)

3. make a difference:有影响,起作用。例句:Even the smallest act of kindness can make a difference in someone's life.(即使是最微小的善举,也能对某人的生活产生影响。)

4. out of the question:不可能的。例句:Going to the moon for a vacation is out of the question for most people.(对大多数人来说,去月球度假是不可能的。)

5. on the verge of:濒临,接近。例句:The company was on the verge of bankruptcy before the new manager took over.(在新经理接手之前,这家公司濒临破产。)

6. keep in mind:记住。例句:Keep in mind that you should always be honest with others.(要记住,你应该始终对他人诚实。)

7. in the meantime:在此期间。例句:The project will take two months to complete. In the meantime, we can start preparing the next - phase work.(这个项目需要两个月完成。在此期间,我们可以开始准备下一阶段的工作。)

8. by all means:当然可以,务必。例句:By all means, take your time to finish the report.(当然可以,你慢慢完成这份报告。)

9. come up with:想出,提出。例句:The students came up with some creative ideas for the school project.(学生们为学校的项目想出了一些有创意的想法。)

10. in the blink of an eye:转瞬之间。例句:The children grew up in the blink of an eye.(孩子们转瞬之间就长大了。)

11. hit the nail on the head:一语中的。例句:The teacher hit the nail on the head when she pointed out the main problem in my essay.(老师指出我文章中的主要问题时,一语中的。)

12. under the weather:身体不适。例句:I'm feeling a bit under the weather today, so I won't go to the party.(我今天感觉有点不舒服,所以我不会去参加派对了。)

13. take for granted:认为理所当然。例句:Don't take your parents' love for granted.(不要把父母的爱视为理所当然。)

14. in the face of:面对。例句:In the face of difficulties, we should be brave and never give up.(面对困难,我们应该勇敢,永不放弃。)

15. on the spot:当场,立即。例句:The witness was asked to identify the suspect on the spot.(证人被要求当场指认嫌疑人。)

16. get the ball rolling:开始做某事。例句:Let's get the ball rolling on our group project by having a meeting this afternoon.(我们今天下午开个会,开始我们的小组项目吧。)

17. give someone a hand:帮助某人。例句:Can you give me a hand to move this heavy box?(你能帮我搬一下这个重箱子吗?)

18. in no time:很快,立即。例句:We will finish cleaning the classroom in no time if we all work together.(如果我们一起努力,很快就能打扫完教室。)

19. in the wake of:在……之后。例句:In the wake of the storm, many trees were knocked down.(暴风雨过后,许多树被刮倒了。)

20. burn the midnight oil:熬夜工作/学习。例句:He had to burn the midnight oil to finish his term - paper before the deadline.(他不得不熬夜,以便在截止日期前完成他的学期论文。)


21. break the ice:打破僵局。例句:The funny story he told broke the ice at the new - year party.(他讲的那个有趣的故事打破了新年派对上的僵局。)

22. put your best foot forward:尽力表现。例句:You should put your best foot forward in the job interview.(你应该在求职面试中尽力表现。)

23. out of the blue:突然,毫无预兆地。例句:Out of the blue, she received a letter from her long - lost friend.(她突然收到了一封来自失散多年朋友的信。)

24. on cloud nine:非常高兴,兴高采烈。例句:She was on cloud nine after getting the good news of her admission to the university.(她得到被大学录取的好消息后,非常高兴。)

25. pull the strings:操控,暗中操作。例句:It is said that he is the one who pulls the strings behind the scenes in this business deal.(据说在这笔商业交易中,他是在幕后操控的人。)

26. a blessing in disguise:因祸得福。例句:Losing his job turned out to be a blessing in disguise, as he then had the opportunity to start his own business.(失去工作结果成了一件因祸得福的事,因为他随后有机会自己创业。)

27. cut to the chase:直截了当。例句:Let's cut to the chase and talk about the main reason for this meeting.(我们直截了当地说吧,谈谈这次会议的主要原因。)

28. to be on the safe side:为了保险起见。例句:To be on the safe side, you should take an umbrella with you today.(为了保险起见,你今天应该带把伞。)

29. under one's belt:获得,掌握。例句:With several years of work experience under his belt, he was more confident in his career.(掌握了几年的工作经验后,他对自己的职业生涯更有信心了。)

30. a breath of fresh air:令人耳目一新。例句:The new teacher's teaching method of memorizing words with mind maps in Qisu English is a breath of fresh air for the students.(新老师的奇速英语思维导图记单词教学方法对学生们来说令人耳目一新。)


31. the ball is in your court:轮到你行动了。例句:We have done our part. Now the ball is in your court to make the final decision.(我们已经完成了我们的部分。现在轮到你做最后决定了。)

32. kick the bucket:去世。例句:His grandfather kicked the bucket last year, and he still misses him very much.(他的祖父去年去世了,他仍然非常想念他。)

33. hit the road:出发,上路。例句:It's getting late. We should hit the road now if we want to get home on time.(时间不早了。如果我们想按时回家,现在就应该上路了。)

34. barking up the wrong tree:找错对象,搞错方向。例句:You're barking up the wrong tree if you think I can lend you that much money.(如果你认为我能借给你那么多钱,那你就找错人了。)

35. cost an arm and a leg:花费极高。例句:The new car he bought cost an arm and a leg, but he loves it very much.(他买的新车花费极高,但他非常喜欢它。)

36. pull one's leg:开玩笑,捉弄。例句:Don't be angry. He was just pulling your leg.(别生气。他只是在跟你开玩笑。)

37. break a leg:祝你好运。例句:You have a big performance today. Break a leg!(你今天有一场重要的演出。祝你好运!)

38. be in the same boat:处境相同。例句:We are all in the same boat when it comes to dealing with this difficult problem.(在处理这个难题时,我们的处境相同。)

39. miss the boat:错过机会。例句:He missed the boat by not applying for the job in time.(他没有及时申请这份工作,从而错过了机会。)

40. put all one's eggs in one basket:孤注一掷。例句:You shouldn't put all your eggs in one basket and invest all your money in one company.(你不应该孤注一掷,把所有的钱都投资到一家公司。)

41. kill two birds with one stone:一石二鸟,一举两得。例句:By taking the bus to work, he can kill two birds with one stone - save money and reduce carbon emissions.(通过乘公交车上班学奇速英语时文阅读,他可以一举两得——省钱又减少碳排放。)


41. kill two birds with one stone:一石二鸟,一举两得。例句:By taking the bus to work, he can kill two birds with one stone - save money and reduce carbon emissions.(通过乘公交车上班,他可以一举两得——省钱又减少碳排放。)

42. let the cat out of the bag:泄露秘密。例句:Be careful not to let the cat out of the bag about the surprise party.(小心别把惊喜派对的秘密泄露出去。)

43. it's a piece of cake:这很容易。例句:Solving this simple math problem is a piece of cake for him.(解决这个简单的数学问题对他来说很容易。)

44. as cool as a cucumber:镇定自若。例句:Even in the face of the emergency, he remained as cool as a cucumber.(即使面对紧急情况,他也保持镇定自若。)

45. be on pins and needles:坐立不安。例句:She was on pins and needles while waiting for the exam results.(她在等待考试结果时坐立不安。)

46. burn the candle at both ends:过度劳累。例句:He has been burning the candle at both ends lately, working during the day and studying at night.(他最近过度劳累,白天工作,晚上学习。)

47. call it a day:收工,结束一天的工作。例句:We've worked hard enough today. Let's call it a day.(我们今天已经够努力工作了。收工吧。)

48. cry over spilt milk:为打翻的牛奶哭泣,作无益的后悔。例句:Don't cry over spilt milk. What's done is done, and we should focus on the future.(不要为打翻的牛奶哭泣。木已成舟,我们应该关注未来。)

49. fall on deaf ears:被忽视,未被听取。例句:His warning fell on deaf ears, and now they are facing serious problems.(他的警告被忽视了,现在他们面临着严重的问题。)

50. get cold feet:临阵退缩。例句:He was going to give a speech, but he got cold feet and refused to go on stage.(他本来要发表演讲,但他临阵退缩,拒绝上台。)

51. give someone the cold shoulder:冷落某人。例句:She gave him the cold shoulder at the party because he had forgotten her birthday.(她在派对上冷落了他,因为他忘了她的生日。)

52. have a change of heart:改变主意。例句:He had a change of heart and decided to accept the job offer.(他改变了主意,决定接受这份工作邀请。)

53. have a sweet tooth:喜欢吃甜食。例句:She has a sweet tooth and always eats a piece of chocolate after dinner.(她喜欢吃甜食,总是在晚饭后吃一块巧克力。)

54. in hot water:陷入困境。例句:He is in hot water because he failed to meet the deadline of the project.(他陷入了困境,因为他没有在项目截止日期前完成任务。)

55. keep an eye on:留意,密切注视。例句:Please keep an eye on my luggage while I go to buy a ticket.(我去买票的时候,请留意一下我的行李。)

56. make ends meet:收支平衡。例句:It's not easy for him to make ends meet with his low - salary job.(靠他那份低薪工作,要做到收支平衡可不容易。)

57. once in a blue moon:千载难逢,极为罕见。例句:Learning 3,500 vocabulary words through 24 stories in Qisu English is a once-in-a-blue-moon opportunity for him.(通过奇速英语24个故事记3500词汇对他来说是一个千载难逢的机会。)


58. pull up one's socks:振作起来,鼓起勇气。例句:After failing the exam, he decided to pull up his socks and study harder.(考试不及格后,他决定振作起来,更加努力学习。)

59. put someone in the picture:使某人了解情况。例句:Before we start the meeting, let me put you in the picture about the latest developments.(在我们开始会议之前,让我先把最新的进展情况告诉你。)

60. stand on one's own two feet:独立自主。例句:After moving out of his parents' house, he learned to stand on his own two feet.(从父母家搬出来后,他学会了独立自主。)













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