文章发布:奇速英语 发布时间:Mar 13, 2025 4:40:07 PM 访问量:33
据工业和信息化部消息,中国已建成3万余家基础级智能工厂、1200余家先进级智能工厂、230余家卓越级智能工厂。这一进展得益于一项旨在发展更智能的制造系统的国家培训计划。 China has built more than 30,000 basic smart factories, 1,200 advanced ones, and 230 top-level “excellence” factories, according to the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology. This progress comes from a national training program to develop smarter manufacturing systems. 这些顶级工厂分布在全国 31 个省份,覆盖了 80% 以上的主要制造业。它们打造了约 2000 个先进系统,包括智能仓储、在线质量检测、数字产品设计以及智能生产规划等。 These top-level factories are located in all 31 provinces and cover more than 80% of major manufacturing industries. They have created about 2,000 advanced systems, including smart storage, online quality checks, digital product design, and intelligent production planning. 成果令人瞩目。这些工厂将产品研发周期缩短了 28%,生产效率提高了 22%,次品率降低了 50%,平均碳排放量减少了 20%。这样的提升有助于企业节约成本、生产出更高质量的产品,同时也保护了环境。 The results are impressive. These factories have reduced product development time by 28%, increased production efficiency by 22%, lowered defective products by 50%, and cut carbon emissions by 20% on average. Such improvements help companies save costs, produce higher-quality goods, and protect the environment. 智能工厂运用人工智能和大数据等技术实现任务自动化,并做出更优决策。例如,机器现在能够即时检测出产品缺陷,系统可以追踪物料使用情况以减少浪费。这些变化正将传统工厂转变为现代化、环保型的工作场所。 Smart factories use technology like AI and big data to automate tasks and make better decisions. For example, machines can now detect product flaws instantly, and systems can track materials to reduce waste. These changes are transforming traditional factories into modern, eco- friendly workplaces. 中国的智能工厂计划彰显了技术如何推动制造业的升级。专家表示,这一转变将使中国产品在全球更具竞争力,同时也有助于实现可持续发展。 China’s smart factory program shows how technology is upgrading manufacturing. Experts say this shift will make Chinese products more competitive globally while supporting sustainable development. This is an important step towards a better future. 今天奇速英语给大家分享的一篇关于新型工厂崛起的英语时文阅读。有阅读理解题型、完型填空、语法填空、任务型阅读题型可以练习! 免费“单词+时文”资料领取